Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Republican Wingnuts brilliance and how our economy declined.

20 States (w/Wing Nuts) Move to Reclaim Their Sovereignty
I don’t need to bother outlining any of the 20 states that are reclaiming their so called sovereignty, all I need to do is point out how we found ourselves standing at the brink of the abyss. The math is very simple, after 8 years of GOP rule, plus the policy of giving tax breaks to the top 5% of the riches Americans (mostly CEOs), while borrowing money from every other country and then multiply that with the wasted ideology that came from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (who has advocated for 8 years more tax cuts and less regulations), you get a toxic mix of bullshit. Turns out that was a pretty dangerous combination and we are living through the failure of the GOP’s flawed ideology.

Now that we are all living through this republican created problem, which went global, due to their disgraceful flawed logic, as usual, they are looking for someone to blame. Hey, the Federal government can fit that bill. Of course the Federal government was not an issue when the real person (Bush) allowed us to get to this point of almost imploding while he in office. Why now are they seeking to blame the Federal government? Because Bush catered to the republicans petty cultural wars. For example, Roe vs. Wade. Should a state have the right to supersede a Federal law because a bunch of conservative law makers have issues with abortion? Another example is gay rights. Should the civil rights of gay people be placed in the hands of a state if the law makers are conservative and believe gay people are an abomination?

This outcry for sovereignty is sounding more and more like a way to impede other people’s freedoms and rights. Especially since the only reason it is picking up any steam is because there is currently a Black democrat running the country. It seems incomprehensible for the republicans to believe that some of us would like to move into the 21st century without discussing when bread cost a nickle and the good old days. Its a matter of who you are speaking to really. Not all of us remember the past as the good old days. What was so good about the KKK? What was so good about segregation? What was so good about women using coat hangers or going to sleazy doctors to have an abortion? State’s looking for sovereignty is no different than asking us to go back into time and allow all kinds of oppressions to be an acceptable way of life, depending on the state you live in. It seems more like we have a group of republicans that want to do away with the United from the words United States. After all it took the Federal government for slavery to finally come to its demise.

All twenty states have some form of school zero-tolerance law (the kind of”no-nonsense” law that got 33 Philadelphia kindergartners suspended in 2002). All except four of these states practice Capital Punishment. Fifteen have had police-induced taser deaths since 2001. Twelve prohibit smoking in private establishments, and almost all of them have some form of gambling prohibition (indeed…three even consider playing online poker for money to be a felony).

In reality, these states are far from”cutting edge” when it comes to the defense of personal liberties. And their resolutions are far from making a lasting change on the face of American politics as we know it.

For Constitutionalists and libertarians the 20 states claiming sovereignty is probably a sweet wet dream come true. They see this as a return to the constitution and what our founding father’s had envisioned. Of course I must point out the obvious, which is the simple fact that our visionary forefather’s were slave owners. Let’s not deny the undeniable truth that since that era we have come a long way from a lot of what was the acceptable practices of our forefathers. The constitution is the floor plans on how we should conduct ourselves as a nation; but; using it to interpret all situations is no different than using the Bible to interpret all facets of our lives, which may work for a wing nut but does nothing for the more rational and sane. For the constitutionalists and libertarians to ride this pony shows how possibly racist they really are. That they would jeopardy people’s personal freedoms for a right wing agenda, even if it is wrapped up in the constitution, is very telling in deed.

That these resolutions were proposed doesn’t mean they represent consensus in the state legislature either. Like Dennis Kucinich’s calls for Bush’s impeachment several times in the last few years, these resolutions may only reflect the beliefs of a limited minority in state legislatures.

Many of the media outlets covering the state sovereignty movement are elated at the news. They see this maneuver as a crucial step toward guaranteeing the personal freedoms laid out in the Constitution.

But are these states really the bastion of freedom and liberty?

The short answer is no.

Fortunately this whole we will be set free moment for the wing nut tribe is no more than a happy hour. The fact that a bunch of republican wing nuts have the nerve to cram this crap down the throats of the American people while we are in the midst of an economic melt down only goes to show their insensitivity. Outside of cleaning up the mess from their failed ideology, now we must shut down their campaign to take us further into a hole with cultural wars? I for one am getting a little tire of everything being about them and their pathetic marginal party.

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