Friday, March 18, 2011

Gotta Love the Republicans - Medicare madness

Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
posted at 03/17/2012 09:47:08 PM EDT
I think Dana Milbank is absolutely right......the party leaders wouldn't be caught saying this, but if Republicans gained both the WH and congress, the conservatives wanting to do this couldn't be stopped. They really are this crazy.

‘Mediscare,’ Republican style

Are Republicans ready to be trusted with the reins of power?
If you’re thinking of answering this in the affirmative, you might want to pause long enough to learn what transpired on the third floor of the Capitol on Thursday. There, four prominent Republican lawmakers announced their proposal to abolish Medicare — “sunset” was their pseudo-verb — even for those currently on the program or nearing retirement.
In Medicare’s place would be a private plan that would raise the eligibility age and shift trillions of dollars worth of health-care coverage from the government to the elderly. “This will be the new Medicare,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), the proposal’s author, announced.
For years, Republicans have insisted that they would not end Medicare as we know it and that any changes to the program would not affect those in or near retirement. In the span of 20 minutes Thursday, they jettisoned both promises.
He’s right about that. Don’t expect Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Mitch McConnell or John Boehner to take up the cry; the party leadership isn’t about to line up for abolishing the popular entitlement program. The real question is whether party leaders would be able to repel this conservative movement to end Medicare if Republicans gain control of the White House and Congress, where conservatives already dominate the GOP caucuses.
The end-Medicare sponsors are key figures: DeMint is the godfather of the Tea Party, and he was joined by Paul and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), two conservative rising stars. Completing the foursome was Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), an influential thinker. Two other Republican senators, Richard Burr of North Carolina and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, have introduced a somewhat related plan to deal with Medicare, and Rep. Paul Ryan’s House Republican budget would also privatize Medicare, though on a slower timetable.
But DeMint and his colleagues think the time to end Medicare is now — with a cold-turkey conversion to a private program, effective in 2014. “I think if Americans actually find out the truth about what we’re doing, it will be a very big positive for Republicans in the fall,” DeMint forecast.
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    • LITI8R
    • First Post: 9/29/2010
    • Last Post: 3/18/2012
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    RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
    posted at 03/18/2012 10:30:16 AM EDT
    In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by runner50
    Thinkprogress is a tabloid media source.  Maybe you should watch more FOX.  You'r ebeing duped.
    – CLAIM 4 FROM PAWLENTY: Medicare is not financially solvent. FACT: Medicare is fully solvent until 2024. After 2024, the hospital fund will still be able to meet “90 percent” of its commitments.
    Funds Running Out Faster Than Expected for Social Security and Medicare Programs

    Bad Economy Means Medicare Will Run Out Of Cash Sooner

    Social Security and Medicare to run short sooner than expected

    Trustees' Report: Medicare To Run Out Of Funds

    • LITI8R
    • First Post: 9/29/2010
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    RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
    posted at 03/18/2012 10:20:51 AM EDT
    In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by IMCONCERNED
    "America's Seniors must make sure OBAMA IS A ONE TERM PRESIDENT." 
    Obama has caused SO MUCH damage to our country since he took office.  I fear that whether he's re-elected or not will have little effect on this spiralling economy and structure as we know it.
    BUT....I don't give up easily.  I'm going to support Republicans in any way that I can to assure Obama is OUT.

    • Quackers
    • First Post: 9/4/2008
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    RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
    posted at 03/18/2012 10:20:06 AM EDT
    In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by IMCONCERNED
    You approve of Obama appointing Dr Berwick, health care rationing supporter to head Medicare.

    Wow, your first two sentences are pants on fire wrong. Dr. Berwick's statement about "rationing" healthcare was taken out of context and grossly distorted by lying through their teeth conservatives. Why? Because he is the nation's top cost cutting expert and would have been very good in his role of reducing medical costs.....can't have that, now can we? His statement about rationing was made in the context of being smart and putting our money in treatments that are proven to work best...........scary stuff, eh? Btw, I know this because I took the time to read the transcript where he talked about "rationing" instead of mindlessly taking the word of Faux News that he was just like Dr. Kevorkian.
    • runner50
    • First Post: 6/25/2010
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    RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
    posted at 03/18/2012 10:19:55 AM EDT
    In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by IMCONCERNED
    I knew somone would throw out the boring "Obama and the Democrats defunding $500 Billion from Medicare" myth. OK, here it is again, along with other  intentional distortions of the facts from the Republicans and Tea Party, to promote fear mongering and health care scare tactics.
    – CLAIM 1 FROM BACHMANN: The Congressional Budget Office said the Affordable Care Act will kill 800,000 jobs. FACT: The CBO actually found that some people would leave the workforce or work less because they can find affordable health coverage elsewhere. This is a reduction in the supply of labor, not a reduction in the supply of jobs.
     CLAIM 2 FROM BACHMANN: Obamacare took $500 billion out of Medicare, shifted it to build a new entitlement for young people. FACT: The health law does not cut the current Medicare budget; it slows the growth in the program by removing $500 billion from future spending over the next 10 years. The cuts help stabilize Medicare by eliminating overpayments and slowly phasing in payment adjustments that encourage greater efficiency. As a result, the law extends the life of the Medicare trust fund by nine years and allows seniors to retain all of their guaranteed Medicare benefits.
    – CLAIM 3 FROM ROMNEY: I would issue an executive order paving the way for Obamacare waivers to all 50 states. FACT: The executive branch and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) don’t have the authority to grant blanket waivers — those powers are reserved for Congress.
    – CLAIM 4 FROM PAWLENTY: Medicare is not financially solvent. FACT: Medicare is fully solvent until 2024. After 2024, the hospital fund will still be able to meet “90 percent” of its commitments.
    – CLAIM 5 FROM SANTORUM: Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan is “identical to what seniors already have” — Medicare Part D. FACT: It’s not. The government pays 74 percent of costs in Medicare Part D and grows that support at the rate of program costs. “Ryan’s plan covers about a third of beneficiary costs, and that support grows at the rate of inflation — so much more slowly than the rest of the program, or than Medicare Part D.”
    – CLAIM 6 FROM SANTORUM: The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) will ration care to seniors beginning in 2014. FACT: The IPAB kicks in if health care spending goes beyond a certain threshold and is statutorily prohibited from rationing benefits or increasing co-pays. In fact, Paul Ryan even supported a more aggressive IPAB-type reform in 2009
    • LITI8R
    • First Post: 9/29/2010
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    RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
    posted at 03/18/2012 10:19:42 AM EDT
    In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by alexpinca
    I'll be voting REPUBLICAN!  Medicare will END in just a few years IF YOU DON'T.
    Republican's want to SAVE Medicare.  Obama is doing NOTHING to secure your future and it's about time you WAKE UP.  
    This thread in itself shows how duped some are here by Obama's TALK.  No ACTION....No PLAN....just TALK.
    To blame the Republican's for the demise of Medicare is just plain STUPID.  Do the math.......!  
    If you don't vote Republican you can kiss Medicare good-bye.  
    • Quackers
    • First Post: 9/4/2008
    • Last Post: 3/18/2012
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    RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
    posted at 03/18/2012 10:20:40 AM EDT
    In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by IMCONCERNED
    You approve of Obama and the Democrats defunding $500 Billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare.

    They did not. Have you received a notice yet of benefit cuts? Thought you didn't. LOL Most of the "cuts" come from cutting subsidies to Medicare Advantage, the private Medicare policies that Republicans promised could deliver Medicare cheaper than the government could. Turns out they spend $1.15 to Medicare's $1.
    • First Post: 8/16/2009
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    RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
    posted at 03/18/2012 09:10:55 AM EDT
    In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by alexpinca
    You approve of Obama and the Democrats defunding $500 Billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare.  You approve of Obama appointing Dr Berwick, health care rationing supporter to head Medicare.  You support Obama's creation of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) that was created with the passage of the  health care law represents the worst of health care reform. IPAB would allow an unelected board to singularly enact spending cuts in the Medicare program through binding recommendations to reduce Medicare spending. This is the NEW DEMOCRATC MEDICARE.  America's Seniors most make sure OBAMA IS A ONE TERM PRESIDENT. 
    • alexpinca
    • First Post: 5/29/2011
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    RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
    posted at 03/18/2012 04:00:23 AM EDT
    I don't think it is an understatement to say that the changes proposed by the right wing extremists will ensure either death or poverty of millions of seniors...BUT AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED, IF SENIORS SUPPORT THESE B***ARDS, THEY DESERVED WHAT THEY GET!
    • Quackers
    • First Post: 9/4/2008
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    RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
    posted at 03/18/2012 04:00:19 AM EDT
    In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by runner50
    Why don't we make sure this doesn't even have a chance of happening, SENIORS, by endingREPUBLICANS this year, and 2014. Throw their pasty back ends out. Get out there andVOTE!"

    I intend to do my part. I'm waiting for someone to jump in and spin it that they don't really mean to end it.
    • runner50
    • First Post: 6/25/2010
    • Last Post: 3/18/2012
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    RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
    posted at 03/18/2012 02:34:45 AM EDT
    In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by Quackers
    Why don't we make sure this doesn't even have a chance of happening, SENIORS, by endingREPUBLICANS this year, and 2014. Throw their pasty back ends out. Get out there andVOTE!"

    Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
    posted at 03/17/2012 09:47:08 PM EDT
    I think Dana Milbank is absolutely right......the party leaders wouldn't be caught saying this, but if Republicans gained both the WH and congress, the conservatives wanting to do this couldn't be stopped. They really are this crazy.

    ‘Mediscare,’ Republican style

    Are Republicans ready to be trusted with the reins of power?
    If you’re thinking of answering this in the affirmative, you might want to pause long enough to learn what transpired on the third floor of the Capitol on Thursday. There, four prominent Republican lawmakers announced their proposal to abolish Medicare — “sunset” was their pseudo-verb — even for those currently on the program or nearing retirement.
    In Medicare’s place would be a private plan that would raise the eligibility age and shift trillions of dollars worth of health-care coverage from the government to the elderly. “This will be the new Medicare,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), the proposal’s author, announced.
    For years, Republicans have insisted that they would not end Medicare as we know it and that any changes to the program would not affect those in or near retirement. In the span of 20 minutes Thursday, they jettisoned both promises.
    He’s right about that. Don’t expect Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Mitch McConnell or John Boehner to take up the cry; the party leadership isn’t about to line up for abolishing the popular entitlement program. The real question is whether party leaders would be able to repel this conservative movement to end Medicare if Republicans gain control of the White House and Congress, where conservatives already dominate the GOP caucuses.
    The end-Medicare sponsors are key figures: DeMint is the godfather of the Tea Party, and he was joined by Paul and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), two conservative rising stars. Completing the foursome was Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), an influential thinker. Two other Republican senators, Richard Burr of North Carolina and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, have introduced a somewhat related plan to deal with Medicare, and Rep. Paul Ryan’s House Republican budget would also privatize Medicare, though on a slower timetable.
    But DeMint and his colleagues think the time to end Medicare is now — with a cold-turkey conversion to a private program, effective in 2014. “I think if Americans actually find out the truth about what we’re doing, it will be a very big positive for Republicans in the fall,” DeMint forecast.
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      • runner50
      • First Post: 6/25/2010
      • Last Post: 3/18/2012
      • Total Posts: 4032
      RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
      posted at 03/18/2012 02:34:45 AM EDT
      In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by Quackers
      Why don't we make sure this doesn't even have a chance of happening, SENIORS, by endingREPUBLICANS this year, and 2014. Throw their pasty back ends out. Get out there andVOTE!"
      • Quackers
      • First Post: 9/4/2008
      • Last Post: 3/18/2012
      • Total Posts: 17049
      RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
      posted at 03/17/2012 11:42:58 PM EDT
      In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by sunnyside411
      Well sourced story and pretty much tells it like it is.

      Exactly. What they leave out is that as well as wanting to do this, they also are promising to get rid of the ACA. Without the ACA there is no law saying insurers can't turn down people with preexisting where does that leave sick seniors?
      • sunnyside411
      • First Post: 7/5/2011
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      RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
      posted at 03/17/2012 10:52:16 PM EDT
      In Response to Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by Quackers
      Well sourced story and pretty much tells it like it is.
      • Quackers
      • First Post: 9/4/2008
      • Last Post: 3/18/2012
      • Total Posts: 17049
      RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
      posted at 03/17/2012 10:37:29 PM EDT
      In Response to RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by xrepub
      The repugs have been trying to end Medicare and SS since before they were enacted. They will always try to do it even while claiming they are not.

      Exactly. They never change. No Medicare to trash back then, but here's what FDR said about Republicans. Sound familiar? LOL

      "Let me warn you and let me warn the Nation against the smooth evasion which says, “Of course we believe all these things; we believe in social security; we believe in work for the unemployed; we believe in saving homes. Cross our hearts and hope to die, we believe in all these things; but we do not like the way the present Administration is doing them. Just turn them over to us. We will do all of them- we will do more of them we will do them better; and, most important of all, the doing of them will not cost anybody anything.”
      But, my friends, these evaders are banking too heavily on the shortness of our memories. No one will forget that they had their golden opportunity—twelve long years of it.
      Remember, too, that the first essential of doing a job well is to want to see the job done. Make no mistake about this: the Republican leadership today is not against the way we have done the job. The Republican leadership is against the job’s being done."

      • xrepub
      • First Post: 1/23/2009
      • Last Post: 3/17/2012
      • Total Posts: 3537
      RE: Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
      posted at 03/17/2012 10:03:20 PM EDT
      In Response to Republicans: End Medicare by 2014 by Quackers
      The repugs have been trying to end Medicare and SS since before they were enacted. They will always try to do it even while claiming they are not.

      • Quackers
      • First Post: 9/4/2008
      • Last Post: 3/18/2012
      • Total Posts: 17049
      Republicans: End Medicare by 2014
      posted at 03/17/2012 09:47:08 PM EDT
      I think Dana Milbank is absolutely right......the party leaders wouldn't be caught saying this, but if Republicans gained both the WH and congress, the conservatives wanting to do this couldn't be stopped. They really are this crazy.

      ‘Mediscare,’ Republican style

      Are Republicans ready to be trusted with the reins of power?
      If you’re thinking of answering this in the affirmative, you might want to pause long enough to learn what transpired on the third floor of the Capitol on Thursday. There, four prominent Republican lawmakers announced their proposal to abolish Medicare — “sunset” was their pseudo-verb — even for those currently on the program or nearing retirement.
      In Medicare’s place would be a private plan that would raise the eligibility age and shift trillions of dollars worth of health-care coverage from the government to the elderly. “This will be the new Medicare,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), the proposal’s author, announced.
      For years, Republicans have insisted that they would not end Medicare as we know it and that any changes to the program would not affect those in or near retirement. In the span of 20 minutes Thursday, they jettisoned both promises.
      He’s right about that. Don’t expect Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Mitch McConnell or John Boehner to take up the cry; the party leadership isn’t about to line up for abolishing the popular entitlement program. The real question is whether party leaders would be able to repel this conservative movement to end Medicare if Republicans gain control of the White House and Congress, where conservatives already dominate the GOP caucuses.
      The end-Medicare sponsors are key figures: DeMint is the godfather of the Tea Party, and he was joined by Paul and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), two conservative rising stars. Completing the foursome was Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), an influential thinker. Two other Republican senators, Richard Burr of North Carolina and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, have introduced a somewhat related plan to deal with Medicare, and Rep. Paul Ryan’s House Republican budget would also privatize Medicare, though on a slower timetable.
      But DeMint and his colleagues think the time to end Medicare is now — with a cold-turkey conversion to a private program, effective in 2014. “I think if Americans actually find out the truth about what we’re doing, it will be a very big positive for Republicans in the fall,” DeMint forecast.

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