Hello TGIF Again!. The day for shaved legs, sweet lips, dropped panties lewd and lascivious behavior.. me likey lookie..waite.... TGIF very much......and..Finally Hooooorah!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I think I am going to write a book...."The art of ignoring your Master"....if I don't get spanked tonight.....pussy be damned! I have already been far too busy during the past week wrapping my lips around the sacred canon.
Ostensibly humorous catchphrase that I brought up this morning... translated by hubby into “complete the task.” order or else....from Master hubby...Some like pleasurable sex, while others need to feed off of humiliation, surrender! and sexual predictment and...As of Wednesday...he became my official pussy inspector.....with a Badge to prove it....( didn't know they made one...or there was a market..or who makes that kind of badge Granted..Men are the inovators of the world.. ......And here is a picture of it...http://thesubmissivelife.blogspot.com/2011/04/thoughts-on-being-submissive-wife.html and No...I am not going to post a pic of my belted pussy just yet...
And finally for some of my own lashing......After the Republicans...comes my dig at the Loathsome Feminists.....Nasty creepy crawlers....Like the Republicans....Who given a chance...would ruin everybody's weekend if they could...
I have been hounded and bullied all week by Republican men and feminist women and their coat-trailing pussy whipped 'new men.'....How much of a turnoff can that be.... A lot really...
Sadly, my mostest fun gf who knows about our kinks is leaving for another job (actually, to get the hell out of her current sucky job). We’re the only thing each other has to keep us sane, and have decided we’ll have to call each other on the phone to insult each other. Yes, we are quite a cunt that way….
describe your first time in five words?
weird, before the football game
i think he felt obligated
“do it before I puke”
“why are you so hard”
“let’s get under the coats”
“do you wanna lie down?”
kindergarden, under the swing set
In a K-Mart parking lot
game of spin-the-bottle, shamefully enough
Older guy, at bus stop
Hurricane took out the electricity.
Mistook for spitting attack; dodged.
after we dropped the L-word.
Had braces; sort of bitey.
to make them shut up