
One way in which sinners frequently excuse themselves is by endeavoring to get some apology for their own iniquities from the inconsistencies of God's people. This is the reason why there is much slander in the world. A true Christian is a rebuke to the sinner, wherever he goes he is a living protest against the evil of sin. Hence it is that the worldling makes a dead set upon a pious man... Hubby called me a sinner cunt..."Very sexy and erotic....I oozed hearing it......The atheist in me just sprang to life...thank god I am an atheist...and am able to enjoy as a sinner.....Wouldn't want it to be any different....I was forced into a kinky slave contract....(I was thinking of Master Kevin and Kimberly Elizebeth's contract) Bless your heart!!:
Those of you who do not know of this.....I have explained it in detail on my blog elsewhere.,, Anyway the one below got me aroused as I was reading the bible: My contract has a doggie shock collar..in it....well...just for 30 days...not that bad I think....woof! woof!....so long as there isn't a dog in the picture....I am a married women....LoL!...But the rest of it...is nearly the same as the one here...Thanks Andy and Kim for turning it into an public exhibit......he he!..
A Protestant youth group has put together a 2006 calendar with 12 staged photos depicting erotic scenes from the Bible, including a bare-breasted Delilah cutting Samson's hair and a nude Eve offering an apple.
"There's a whole range of biblical scriptures simply bursting with eroticism," said Stefan Wiest, the 32-year-old photographer who took the titillating pictures.
Anne Rohmer, 21, poses on a doorstep in garters and stockings as the prostitute Rahab, mentioned in both New and Old Testaments. "We wanted to represent the Bible in a different way and to interest young people," she said.
"Anyway, it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that you are forbidden to show yourself nude."
Bernd Grasser, pastor of the church in Nuremberg where the calendar is being sold, was enthusiastic about the project.
"It's just wonderful when teenagers commit themselves with their hair and their skin to the Bible," he said.
Across the border, a group of French women have posed in underwear to help make smelly cheese more desirable.
The Calendrier des From'girls (Cheese Girls Calendar) is the brainchild of Veronique Richez-Lerouge, the founder of France's regional cheese association and its national cheese day.
She hopes the charms of Mademoiselle Meline Camembert, Mademoiselle Berenice Brie de Meaux or Mademoiselle Pont l'Eveque will melt the traditional image of pongy cheese.
"I realised that French local products, cheese in particular, had a stuffy image," Mrs Richez-Lerouge said. "Everyone associates smelly, unpasteurised cheese with fat, ugly women and men with berets and baguettes. I wanted to give people back their taste for fromage au lait cru by giving it a sexier image."
Mrs Richez-Lerouge persuaded her friends in Lyons, aged from 20 to about 40, to pose.
"We were all a bit nervous at first during the shoot, but after a bit of wine and cheese, we calmed down," she said.
The women also stripped to prove that you can eat smelly cheese and stay thin and healthy.
"French women are obsessed with dieting." Mrs Richez-Lerouge said. "But low-fat cheese has no taste and is not as healthy as fromage au lait cru."
The calendar is aimed at stemming a fall in consumption of unpasteurised cheese on a par with that in French wine.
The existence of the pornography stash, which one U.S. official told ABC News was “huge,” was first reported by Reuters. The official said the pornographic material was found in a wooden box in bin Laden’s bedroom and included electronically recorded videos.
The discovery of the pornographic videos is just the latest in a steady stream of information gleaned from evidence obtained by the SEALs during the mission that killed bin Laden nearly two weeks ago, from invaluable intelligence on al Qaeda operations to embarrassing personal revelations about the terror leader. Officials are analyzing one million pages of data recovered and said they’ve learned more about al Qaeda in the past ten days than in the last ten years combined.
Well you try keeping three wives satisfied without a little extra help! hmm!!!
There Is Nothing Shameful About Porn. Nothing.
The NY Post tries to frame Osama’s porn stash this way:
And it’s another confirmation of the moral depravity of the king of fanatics — a barbarous old lech who hid his head when karma came calling.Holy sh*t, no it’s not! Porn is an example of OSAMA BIN LADEN’S “moral depravity”??? That’s like saying Hitler’s love of Sousa marches is just another example of his “characteristic bad taste.”
EVERYONE LOOKS AT PORN. Porn isn’t an example of anyone’s moral depravity, especially not a person who’s already a human definition of moral depravity with a long scraggly beard made up of moral depravity strands sewn together on a morally depraved sewing machine. It’s not an example of anything other than another human being wanting to look at porn.
Not only does everyone watch porn, but everyone knows that everyone watches porn; acting shocked and morally insulted that another human being has a stash of pornography is far more twofaced than Bin Laden being faux-religious but secretly watching porn videos. Plus as we all know, religious people need porn just like the rest of us.
Not only that, but I’m sure the person writing this Post article had like seven windows of porn open while they were writing it, and kept having to stop writing for a sec to figure out which banner ad was making the distracting orgasm sounds so they could mute it. Also, that “Amazin’s Blast Past Astros” headline? Everyone on both those teams looks at porn constantly.
2. Anyone Looks Like A Creep If You Go Through Their Porn
Anyone’s pornographic browser history (or stash of physical porn, for those of us who have the misfortune of being camped out at Pakistani compounds without highspeed), is just automatically gonna make that person look like a f***ing creep. How could it not? Even if it’s like super tame, run-of-the-mill, non-crazy-fetishy porn, you’d be like “Wait, this dude was into super tame run-of-the-mill non-crazy-fetishy porn? What an unadventurous weirdo.”
Bringing someone’s porn out into the open is no different than if you looked through someone’s Facebook browsing history, which would automatically make them look like the stalkeriest stalker that ever stalkered. It doesn’t mean that they secretly want to sleep with that picture of some high school friend’s trip to Rome, it just means they thoughtlessly clicked on a photo a couple times because they were doing work and seeing an image is better than a few seconds of working.
Just because these things aren’t usually made public doesn’t mean that they’re automatically creepy the few times that they do become public, like when your girlfriend uses your computer, types the letter “D” and your browser instantly suggests 900 porn sites, or when you accidentally click “Like” on a picture of your friend’s sister then “Unlike” it real fast but now you both have that between you forever. Pretending like we don’t all do these things is, again, a far bigger collective lie than Bin Laden secretly keeping a stack of porn videos.
Atheists are sexy Mr. Pope
The Pope investigates something called "Internet pornography."
Could this be the real reason for his sudden hospitalization?
You be the judge to pontificate this matter.
(And please don't hate me for teasing an old sacred cow, His Excellency Himself, since a vast portion of the poor population remains hoodwinked by his holy aura, obedient to his repeated warnings against birth control. And this in places where the land and the people are both endangered by the resulting birthrate
On December 20, 2010 – Pope Benedic XVI in his traditional Christmas address to Cardinals and officials working at Vatican – had claimed that child pornography is normal. The Holy Sea also claimed that paedophilia wasn’t considered an “absolute evil” as recently as the 1970s.
Last month Pope Benedict XVI condoned the condom to have sex out of marriage without fearing AIDS.
This new inspiration brings the ‘Vicar of Christ on Earth’ much closer to one of Hollywood’s top Russian-Israel Jewish porn actor. Michael Lucas (aka Andrei Bregman) in common hatred toward Islam. In Pope’s views Muslims are “people of force and sword and that knowledge and reason are concepts foreign to their behaviour”. And Rabbi Lucas believes that Hitler’s Mein Kampf drives its inspiration from Holy Qur’an. However, copntrary to that, Abraham Foxman, national director of Israeli propaganda organization, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) had claimed in 2006 that Hitler’s hatred toward Jews was based on the New Testament’s hatred towards the Jews, and he demanded that all those anti-Jew verses (over 100) should be deleted from the Christian Bible.
After listening to Pope’s ‘fatwa’ – I bet Joshua Cohen must be very proud seeing the Pope got inspired by the Book of Genesis and his post ‘Jewish pornography questions the limitation of assimilation’ (New York Press, 3/5/2003), in which he tried to prove that pornography could be JEWISH.
“The Tanakh – the Old Testament and the Jewish Scriptures – is full of incest and the taking of virgins. In a literature where the idea of “barely legal” has absolutely no meaning, scripture and pornography overlap more than you’d think,” he wrote.
“Jewish Porn (JP) fetishizes Jewish women. In the Jew-run Vivid Video’s The Burning Bush… Hot, Jewish Babe Vivid, Sex Action, one can enjoy “4 Hrs. of Fiddling on the Roof!” Jeanna Fine, Sindee Cox, Melissa Monet, Nina Hartley (nee Hartman) and Alexandra Silk suck and fuck as in any film – the only difference is these girls are said to be Jewish,” Cohen goes on.
“Another recurring motif in JP is the idea of the Mikvah, the ritual bath, as it relates to a woman’s menstruation and the sacred purification process. One site suggests that a Mikvah is an excellent place to pick up Jew-girls. These aspects of Judaism are more than mere set pieces for masturbating. There is a deeper significance. If all male Jews died out, there would still be Jews, in a Talmudic sense. Jewish women are the hosts of the bloodline, the givers of the ethnicity. There are only more Jews because of Jewish women, so it’s not unnatural that they may be venerated and sexualized, admired as Jews first, women second. In consuming JP, are Jewish men driven by a fear of extinction?”, says Cohen.
Holy Qur’an forbids pornography (Fuhsha), both in open or in privacy: “Tell them (O’ Muhammad): “My Lord has only forbidden indecent acts, whether overt or hidden,” Holy Qur’an 7:33.
Photographer Andy Craddock is being sued by an uptight diocese for using a 13th century church in a fine art nude photo shoot.
The Diocese of Truro are seeking legal action against Craddock for allegedly trespassing at the St Michael Penkivel Church in Cornwall and taking photographs without permission. But on top of the allegations of trespass the Reverend Andrew Yates has made a point of accusing Mr Craddock of blasphemy for taking photographs of semi clad women inside the church and also draped across tombstones.
Rev Yates’ solicitors draughted a letter to Mr Craddock where they describe his work as a “contemptuous, reviling, scurrilous or ludicrous matter relating to God, Jesus Christ, the Bible or the formularies of the Church of England”.
A spokesman for the Dioces of Truro told the Daily Mail that, “The Church deplores the use of sacred space in this way. The pictures would be deeply offensive to people who view the place for regular worship. That’s not what these buildings are intended for and he is deliberately taking advantage of the situation.”
“Whether he’s gone in there legally or illegally he is using the setting for an entirely improper purpose.”
This attitude seems to conflict completely with the Church of England’s policy on art. On the Church of England’s website Churchart they claim that “Whether in small rural parishes or in the great cathedral cities, the church is still part of the continuum of support and patronage of the arts. Art can inspire, explain, celebrate and illuminate the Christian faith and, no matter how humbly, reflect the greater glory of God.”
Andy Craddock runs Neolestat, a photography company who specialise within the alternative lifestyle market. Mr Craddock has worked extensively with many of London’s top “alternative” companies and has photographed numerous different Burlesque, Fetish, Cabaret and Alternative Lifestyle events such as the Gay Pride festivals and London’s Burlesque Festival. The Neolestat website features a whole selection of Mr Craddock’s highly impressive works.
Mr Craddock told the Daily Mail that he chose the location of St Michael Penkivel Church after seeing it featured in the film Keeping Mum, a black comedy starring Rowan Atkinson and Patrick Swayze which tells the story of a serial killer.
“I chose the church because I saw it in Keeping Mum and I loved the architecture.” Craddock said.
“How is it worse having someone naked in the church than having a film set there about murder and death? If the parishioners are upset by the naked girls on their altar, why are they not as upset about murders set around the church and the village?”
“It says a great deal about this perverse obsession in both the fashion industry and the advertising industry of exploiting and mocking and sexualizing Catholic religious imagery,” says C.J. Doyle of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts.
I’m not an incredibly religious person (as my potty mouth should already demonstrate), but I am Christian and I am spiritual, so I think virginal nuns doodling pictures of some guy’s ding-dong might be a bit much
Please understand that, By publishing such stuff you are promoting those sections who derive pleasure and mileage by mocking the faith & values of millions of people around the world. Please understand that you are attacking the morality of a generation.
But what is morality right. What is intangible and what is not seen, doesnt exist in the West isnt it.
I think that Equinox (whoever they are) are enacting the highest form of insult to themselves and members of the largest religion in the world. They insult humanity by mocking nuns who are like everyone else the children of God but have chosen to lead a blessed life far removed from the image presented. May god bless the poor sole of the artist behind this sick image
I am NOT a prude and fairly liberal, but Equinox has gone too far…one photo shows a male model being used as a human table for a group of woman …..this symbol is used in Bondage of men….being a human table for woman….this is more than fantasy….it is sick and crap advertising.
I was thinking of joining this gym, but after seeing these ads, I would not give them my money. Using sex to sell gym memberships is lame and Equinox must be hard up for members if they have to resort to this kind of bad taste. Also if I were a Catholic I would be hurt and insulted that a company would depict Nuns in this sleezy way…..Is nothing sacred anymore ? Like the movies coming out of Hollywood and like our T.V. shows, all of today’s media has gone down the toilet. No taste and no standards. Only crap and more crap and no talent.
There are times during the week when one needs some relaxation from the stressful camel riding and desert sand storms and what better for relaxation than a beautiful fuckable virgin girl? And what better than a beautiful fuckable Arab virgin girl than THREE beautiful virgin girls? So here you go!

Wafah Dufour is the niece of Osama bin Laden, her name was "Wafah Bin Laden" but she took her mother's maiden name "Dufour" after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Very smart girl!!! She is an aspiring recording artist and believe it or not but she lives in New York and London. In fact, she is a socialite attending premieres and the best parties in New York City. She really want to be a pop-star, this her Mypace page is http://www.myspace.com/wafahdufourmusic. I personally don't think she has anything to do with her uncle's terrorist ways but wouldn't it be great to say to your friends that you bukkake Osama bin Laden's niece, straight in the eyes? Now you guys know what I want for Christmas. Here she is posing for GQ magazine in provocative (not really) photographs. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Premieres and the parties:

Osama Bin Laden would probably behead her himself for showing so little skin. The best part about this story is that she went BLACK with John Legend! OBL is probably not cool with this either. I think she is actively trying to piss her uncle off. LOL...

This new inspiration brings the ‘Vicar of Christ on Earth’ much closer to one of Hollywood’s top Russian-Israel Jewish porn actor. Michael Lucas (aka Andrei Bregman) in common hatred toward Islam. In Pope’s views Muslims are “people of force and sword and that knowledge and reason are concepts foreign to their behaviour”. And Rabbi Lucas believes that Hitler’s Mein Kampf drives its inspiration from Holy Qur’an. However, copntrary to that, Abraham Foxman, national director of Israeli propaganda organization, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) had claimed in 2006 that Hitler’s hatred toward Jews was based on the New Testament’s hatred towards the Jews, and he demanded that all those anti-Jew verses (over 100) should be deleted from the Christian Bible.
After listening to Pope’s ‘fatwa’ – I bet Joshua Cohen must be very proud seeing the Pope got inspired by the Book of Genesis and his post ‘Jewish pornography questions the limitation of assimilation’ (New York Press, 3/5/2003), in which he tried to prove that pornography could be JEWISH.
“The Tanakh – the Old Testament and the Jewish Scriptures – is full of incest and the taking of virgins. In a literature where the idea of “barely legal” has absolutely no meaning, scripture and pornography overlap more than you’d think,” he wrote.
“Jewish Porn (JP) fetishizes Jewish women. In the Jew-run Vivid Video’s The Burning Bush… Hot, Jewish Babe Vivid, Sex Action, one can enjoy “4 Hrs. of Fiddling on the Roof!” Jeanna Fine, Sindee Cox, Melissa Monet, Nina Hartley (nee Hartman) and Alexandra Silk suck and fuck as in any film – the only difference is these girls are said to be Jewish,” Cohen goes on.
“Another recurring motif in JP is the idea of the Mikvah, the ritual bath, as it relates to a woman’s menstruation and the sacred purification process. One site suggests that a Mikvah is an excellent place to pick up Jew-girls. These aspects of Judaism are more than mere set pieces for masturbating. There is a deeper significance. If all male Jews died out, there would still be Jews, in a Talmudic sense. Jewish women are the hosts of the bloodline, the givers of the ethnicity. There are only more Jews because of Jewish women, so it’s not unnatural that they may be venerated and sexualized, admired as Jews first, women second. In consuming JP, are Jewish men driven by a fear of extinction?”, says Cohen.
Holy Qur’an forbids pornography (Fuhsha), both in open or in privacy: “Tell them (O’ Muhammad): “My Lord has only forbidden indecent acts, whether overt or hidden,” Holy Qur’an 7:33.
Photographer Andy Craddock is being sued by an uptight diocese for using a 13th century church in a fine art nude photo shoot.
The Diocese of Truro are seeking legal action against Craddock for allegedly trespassing at the St Michael Penkivel Church in Cornwall and taking photographs without permission. But on top of the allegations of trespass the Reverend Andrew Yates has made a point of accusing Mr Craddock of blasphemy for taking photographs of semi clad women inside the church and also draped across tombstones.
Rev Yates’ solicitors draughted a letter to Mr Craddock where they describe his work as a “contemptuous, reviling, scurrilous or ludicrous matter relating to God, Jesus Christ, the Bible or the formularies of the Church of England”.
A spokesman for the Dioces of Truro told the Daily Mail that, “The Church deplores the use of sacred space in this way. The pictures would be deeply offensive to people who view the place for regular worship. That’s not what these buildings are intended for and he is deliberately taking advantage of the situation.”
“Whether he’s gone in there legally or illegally he is using the setting for an entirely improper purpose.”
This attitude seems to conflict completely with the Church of England’s policy on art. On the Church of England’s website Churchart they claim that “Whether in small rural parishes or in the great cathedral cities, the church is still part of the continuum of support and patronage of the arts. Art can inspire, explain, celebrate and illuminate the Christian faith and, no matter how humbly, reflect the greater glory of God.”
Andy Craddock runs Neolestat, a photography company who specialise within the alternative lifestyle market. Mr Craddock has worked extensively with many of London’s top “alternative” companies and has photographed numerous different Burlesque, Fetish, Cabaret and Alternative Lifestyle events such as the Gay Pride festivals and London’s Burlesque Festival. The Neolestat website features a whole selection of Mr Craddock’s highly impressive works.
Mr Craddock told the Daily Mail that he chose the location of St Michael Penkivel Church after seeing it featured in the film Keeping Mum, a black comedy starring Rowan Atkinson and Patrick Swayze which tells the story of a serial killer.
“I chose the church because I saw it in Keeping Mum and I loved the architecture.” Craddock said.
“How is it worse having someone naked in the church than having a film set there about murder and death? If the parishioners are upset by the naked girls on their altar, why are they not as upset about murders set around the church and the village?”
Oh dear. The Catholic Church is up in arms over the latest ad campaign from fitness giant Equinox. Apparently The Pope no likey an Equinox advertisement depicting Catholic nuns sketching the netherparts of a nude male model. (Who has a very nice butt, might I add). The controversial ad is just one in a series of racy flicks released by Equinox last month.
But Equinox is defending it’s right to be raunchy, the chain says: “Our ad campaigns are based on personal motivation and fantasy and throughout history the body has been considered a form of art.”I’m not an incredibly religious person (as my potty mouth should already demonstrate), but I am Christian and I am spiritual, so I think virginal nuns doodling pictures of some guy’s ding-dong might be a bit much
Please understand that, By publishing such stuff you are promoting those sections who derive pleasure and mileage by mocking the faith & values of millions of people around the world. Please understand that you are attacking the morality of a generation.
But what is morality right. What is intangible and what is not seen, doesnt exist in the West isnt it.
I think that Equinox (whoever they are) are enacting the highest form of insult to themselves and members of the largest religion in the world. They insult humanity by mocking nuns who are like everyone else the children of God but have chosen to lead a blessed life far removed from the image presented. May god bless the poor sole of the artist behind this sick image
I am NOT a prude and fairly liberal, but Equinox has gone too far…one photo shows a male model being used as a human table for a group of woman …..this symbol is used in Bondage of men….being a human table for woman….this is more than fantasy….it is sick and crap advertising.
I was thinking of joining this gym, but after seeing these ads, I would not give them my money. Using sex to sell gym memberships is lame and Equinox must be hard up for members if they have to resort to this kind of bad taste. Also if I were a Catholic I would be hurt and insulted that a company would depict Nuns in this sleezy way…..Is nothing sacred anymore ? Like the movies coming out of Hollywood and like our T.V. shows, all of today’s media has gone down the toilet. No taste and no standards. Only crap and more crap and no talent.
There are times during the week when one needs some relaxation from the stressful camel riding and desert sand storms and what better for relaxation than a beautiful fuckable virgin girl? And what better than a beautiful fuckable Arab virgin girl than THREE beautiful virgin girls? So here you go!

Osama Bin Laden would probably behead her himself for showing so little skin. The best part about this story is that she went BLACK with John Legend! OBL is probably not cool with this either. I think she is actively trying to piss her uncle off. LOL...

The reason Why the republicans failed to locate Bin Ladin? and what was the reason Obama had to do it for Bush?
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama said Friday that capturing or killing al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden remains a high priority as the United States marks the anniversary of the September 11 attacks in 2001.
"Capturing or killing bin Laden and Zawahri would be extremely important to our national security," Obama said, referring to al Qaeda's second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahri.
"It doesn't solve all our problems but it remains a high priority to this administration," Obama said in response to a question at a news conference covering a range of domestic and international topics.
As the United States has "ramped up the pressure" on al Qaeda, "what's happened is bin Laden has gone deep underground," Obama said.
The consequence, he said, is bin Laden and others "may have been holed up in ways that have made it harder for them to operate."
Obama warned "there is always going to be the potential" for individuals or small groups to carry out strikes against U.S. targets.
Ultimately, the United States will "stamp out" threats from militants, he said, "but it's going to take some time."
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