Laura's submissive wife blogs This blog is mainly about submissions, spankings & Republicans - more or less in that order. It is the fun, sexy, groovy, tingly, exciting kind of submission that turns me on like a chrimas tree! My husband trains me, disciplines me, reddens my bottom and I just love it. I invite you to read, share, and enjoy. This is a place where my deepest desires, fantasies does take flight in secret.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Religion-based Politics and the GOP Debate
I do not intend to disrespect anyone's religion or belief set. But could someone please tell me the difference between Afghanistan's much-maligned Taliban and the US's own Dominionists? Both groups want to take over the leadership role in their respective countries. Both groups want their version of their holy book to form the basis of the laws of the land. Both groups want their own members in all positions of power.
If Sharia Law is bad, then why would Christian Law or Jewish Law or Hindu Law be good? It is precisely when we create laws based on the religious beliefs of a segment of our society that we lose what is most precious about our land of the free. Do we love our freedoms? Of course. But our freedoms do not extend to trampling on the freedoms of others. Should we allow a stone carving of the Ten Commandments outside a courthouse? Well, if we do, then we should also allow symbols from any other faith as well.
What is the difference between a government/legal system that operates based on the Bible from a government/legal system that operates based on the Koran? For the life of me, I don't see any difference at all. Don't tell me it is because Islam breeds terrorists. Christianity seems to breed plenty of terrorists too: Oklahoma City, abortion clinic bombings and their doctors murdered, violence against LGBT persons, and many more examples. Perpetrating violent acts against an institution, organization or individual because of a belief set is terrorism, no matter what belief set is used to justify such acts.
I say Creator. You say Creator. Are we talking about the same thing? Yet politicians now think that they have to out-Christian each other in order to gain favor. If only our founders could see us today, I think they would cringe as I do when one after another GOP candidate on the debate stage attests to their personal anti-choice, anti-other-religion-besides-Christianity, and anti-gay beliefs.
It makes me want to scream.
Posted by Ennealogic at 6:08 PM 5 Comments
Labels: christianity, dominionism, islam, religion, Taliban
Religion in Politics
Never discuss religion or politics in polite company, so the saying goes, because you're bound to offend someone. But what about inserting religion into politics? If we let the Constitution be our guide, and if we not only read but understand the intent of the founders of our nation, we cannot and should not ever mix the two or blend them into one.
This is, of course, contrary to what Sarah P. and the other Dominionists and many so-called TeaPartiers would have us believe. One nation, under God, they say. And that means their God, and how they perceive their God's wishes and rules. Their goals are to infiltrate the 7 mountains of human experience and "affect the seven spheres, or mountains of society that are the pillars of any society.
Trouble is, there are many world religions and within those, many sects that hold differing guiding principles. Trouble also is, even within so-called Christianity, there are multiple interpretations of the bible. The bible is divided into old and new 'testaments' and quite frankly, they don't agree with one another. We have Jesus on the one hand saying, "Turn the other cheek," and the old testament saying, "An eye for an eye."
Equal, productive, valuable members of our American society adhere to different religions, among them Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity (each with almost countless variations), Mormonism, Zoroastrianism, Bhuddism, Shinto, Confucianism, Jainism, Taoism, Sikhism, Bahai... not to mention those with lesser followings like Spiritism, Tenrikyo, New-Paganism, Rastafarianism, Juche, Primal (indigenous), Unitarian, and of course Atheism and Agnosticism.
The founding documents of our country clearly and explicitly state that no religion or religious practice should be put forward as the law of the land. In the land of the free, how can we suffer the notion that we are free except when a religious majority (or minority) decides we are not?
Let me put it this way. If you believe that homosexuality is a deviant behavior abhorrent to your God, fine. I feel sorry for you, but don't lay down laws that make gays and lesbians unable to enjoy the state or federally-granted benefits any other heterosexual couple does. If you believe that life begins when a sperm joins an egg, fine... I believe life begins when the baby takes its first breath after being expelled from the womb, so don't make laws that make it very difficult for a woman to have an abortion. Essentially, if your God tells you something, fine... let it be so for you, but don't try to legislate that version of morality on everyone else. Your God is not the same as other people's God. And nowhere in our Constitution does it say your God is the right and only God. Am I missing something?
Chelsea Handler did a recent stint on The Jay Leno Show (boo, hiss) and said, “There’s a big lesbian community in Dallas,” reports Uncle Barky, “and it’s really funny because they’re like very high-end lesbians and so close to all the Republican people. I just think it’s kind of funny (because Republicans say “f you” to gays, in her view). So that’s why I like to head down there.” Chelsea was on the show promoting her new book Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang set for release in March. Handler, also the author of Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea, will be at the Nokia Theatre in Grand Prairie on April 24th. Tickets on sale now. Sweet. I totally love Chelsea and if she calls Dallas women high-end lesbians I’m cool with that.
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