Nude Beach Status Assateague clothing optional beach is not an officially recognized nude beach. At one time, Assateague used to have a popular nude beach in the Virginia section of Assateague near Chincoteague. A forceful local religious group effectively ended all nudist activity in the Virginia section with Accomack county passing an anti-nudity ordinance in June of 1984.
Conduct Several nudist organizations have agreed upon a code of conduct. Please see the beach etiquette guide before making a trip to Assateague MD. Please note, the regulars at Assateague are very protective of the de facto clothing optional status of the beach. Many of them were regulars at the Virginia beach and have no wish for history to repeat itself. Improper behavior will not be tolerated, and you will find yourself being warned, cited or arrested if your actions call for it. Cellular phones provide an effective tool to cooperate with the local NPS rangers.
Law Enforcement NPS has the legal authority to enforce Maryland State laws. The Maryland Indecent Exposure law is a very simple document. After numerous meetings with the Assateague National Seashore Management, we have decided that we can neither encourage nor discourage use of the north end of Assateague Island as a clothing optional beach..
An important fact has been pointed out by the Assateague National Seashore (ANS) Management, namely that ANS federal law enforcement has been operating under Concurrent Jurisdiction in Maryland since May of 1996. As we understand it, this means that on the federal portion of the Maryland section of Assateague Island, Maryland laws will now be enforced by National Park Service Rangers. We also know that the ANS federal management operates under the assumption that Maryland law makes simple nudity on the beach illegal under Maryland law. We also understand that tickets for nudity are invariably given out every year. Users of the beach there should be aware that not all NPS rangers are involved in law enforcement. The fact that NPS uniformed maintenance personnel might ignore you does not mean that an NPS enforcement ranger might not come by 5 minutes later and issue a $250 ticket..
Practical Tips When a textile individual, a family group or an NPS ranger comes into the north beach area, please show them courtesy and provide a positive example of nudist behavior and cover up.
General Comments
The NPS rangers do get very alarmed when they find someone in the restricted Piping Plovers areas. The Piping Plover is local bird that is an endangered species, so pets are restricted from the north beach. Please keep off the small dunes that are in the big open area, just for Nature's sake. Bring plenty of fluids, it is a good walk back to the concession stand at the bath house.
Directions Take RT. 50 east, as if you are going to Ocean City. As you get near the bridge going into Ocean City, Maryland route 611 will be on your right. Turn right onto 611 and follow the signs to Assateague State Park. After going over the bridge, go straight to the state toll booth. An alternate way is to take Rt. 50E to 113S, then Rt. 376E, then Rt. 611S. The turn off of Rt.113 is marked with an Assateague Park sign. The alternate way is quicker and bypasses much of Rt. 50 traffic, especially if the Rt. 50 draw bridge is up.
It’s gettin’ hot out there…so take off of your clothes and support your local nudist colony during the summer season where, “They speak of feeling free, liberated, unencumbered by the chafing restraints of the textile world,” writes David Casstevens in today’s Fort Worth Star Telegram. Tomorrow is the First AnnualDallas Nudist Culture Day , “in recognition of the manifold physical, mental and spiritual benefits of practicing nudity.” And in honor of the holiday, nudists and newbies are encouraged to patron their local resorts. “The nude recreation industry is an estimated $440 million annual enterprise, according to the 30,000-member American Association for Nude Recreation. NorthTexas is home to four of the association’s camps, with Wildwood and Bluebonnet Nudist Park situated only two miles apart,” wrote Casstevens. Both Wildwood and Bluebonnet are located in Wise County just north of Decatur. Armadillo Resort is in Parker County and the Pondarosa Resort near Canton is the closest one to Dallas. The resorts offer relatively low play and stay fees during the summer peak season. At Wildwood, a 118 acre resort with outdoor pools, charges range from $35 for individuals and $40 for couples (not including cabin or RV hookup). And each of the locations offer fun activities including pool parties, movie nights, dancing, poker tournaments and year-round activities (yes, they do go au natural in the winter too) including the 20th Annual Bare as You Dare Cross-Country 5k at Bluebonnet.
“More than 75 percent of the nude recreation association’s members are older than 35. At Wildwood and Bluebonnet, many guests, if not most, are 50 and older. Club rules prohibit overt sexual activity, sexual harassment, and obscene or vulgar language,” reported Casstevens. “If people come here expecting an orgy, they’ll be sorely disappointed,” Wildwood manager Connie told the Star-Telegram. “It’s comfortable here. It’s wholesome. Natural.” And for some people it’s the only way they can truly be themselves. “In the clothed world I’ve been kind of treated as a second-class citizen. In that world, I’m just a little short fat old lady of no consequence,” Katy Marquis, 65, told the Star Telegram, “I know I’m fat. But here” — among friends, her extended family — “I’m a person.” For the record, I have never gone to a nudist resort, but this certainly has me thinking about a very raw feature piece in the future. I’m not scared of my nudity. But I do feel uncomfortable with the idea that someone else is looking at me and his or her stuff is just hanging out there. Where do you look when you talk to them? I don’t know how David did the interview but I’m sure a nip or two of gin helped (and not laughing!)
The reason Why the republicans failed to locate Bin Ladin? and what was the reason Obama had to do it for Bush?
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama said Friday that capturing or killing al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden remains a high priority as the United States marks the anniversary of the September 11 attacks in 2001.
"Capturing or killing bin Laden and Zawahri would be extremely important to our national security," Obama said, referring to al Qaeda's second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahri.
"It doesn't solve all our problems but it remains a high priority to this administration," Obama said in response to a question at a news conference covering a range of domestic and international topics.
As the United States has "ramped up the pressure" on al Qaeda, "what's happened is bin Laden has gone deep underground," Obama said.
The consequence, he said, is bin Laden and others "may have been holed up in ways that have made it harder for them to operate."
Obama warned "there is always going to be the potential" for individuals or small groups to carry out strikes against U.S. targets.
Ultimately, the United States will "stamp out" threats from militants, he said, "but it's going to take some time."
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