Monday, November 22, 2010

Chemotherapy Does Not Work, Is Costly, Has Adverse Effects, And Kills

Chemotherapy Does Not Work, Is Costly, Has Adverse Effects, And Kills

So what’s this about chemotherapy (and radiation)? What’s this about using poisonous substances to masquerade as some sort of “therapy” or “treatment”, to try to “cure” a very serious degenerative disease?
Chemotherapy and radiation are very much part of conventional medical protocols to “treat” cancer today. But they are hideous crimes against humanity, and, one day in the not too distant future, Humankind will look back on these Medical Dark Ages and wonder how such brutal and savage methods could *ever* have passed off as “treatment”.
Yes, future generations will look back, and they will either cringe, or laugh, or both.
The following article is an excellent piece on the failings and even dangers of chemotherapy. Its title is worded as a question; I would have phrased it in a stronger tone: Don’t EVER Trust Chemotherapy!
Let me sum up some points about this ridiculous “therapy”.
* It’s poison; it destroys healthy cells and makes one very sick.
* It sometimes is effective in shrinking tumors. But that’s pointless, because cancer is not a “tumor disease”; cancer is a whole body disease. Shrinking tumors does not improve quality of life nor extend life.
* Chemotherapy PROMOTES the growth of cancer.
* Chemotherapy costs a bomb; it makes pharmaceutical companies hideously rich, while escalating healthcare costs and bankrupting the sick.
* Chemotherapy kills.
* And, you know what? Chemotherapy doesn’t even work! It’s “cure” rate for cancer is close to 0%. Yes… ZERO.
* There is much evidence to show that cancer patients are much better off doing nothing, as compared to undergoing chemotherapy. Yes… NOTHING.
When a therapy or treatment which is otherwise useful or effective produces some adverse effects ‘on the side’, these are called “side effects”. With chemotherapy, the benefits are so negligible, that I don’t even think its adverse effects should be called “side effects” at all; in fact, they are just that – adverse effects!
Why in the world would anyone submit their already stricken bodies to such savage bombardment? Because of a few things. Money, arrogance, ignorance, and fear.
It’s the sad reality of the Cancer Industry today.
Can You Trust Chemotherapy to Cure Your Cancer?
by Andreas Moritz
Former White House press secretary Tony Snow died in July 2008 at the age of 53, following a series of chemotherapy treatments for colon cancer. In 2005, Snow had his colon removed and underwent six months of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with colon cancer. Two years later (2007), Snow underwent surgery to remove a growth in his abdominal area, near the site of the original cancer. “This is a very treatable condition,” said Dr. Allyson Ocean, a gastrointestinal oncologist at Weill Cornell Medical College. “Many patients, because of the therapies we have, are able to work and live full lives with quality while they’re being treated. Anyone who looks at this as a death sentence is wrong.” But of course we now know, Dr. Ocean was dead wrong.
The media headlines proclaimed Snow died from colon cancer, although they knew he didn’t have a colon anymore. Apparently, the malignant cancer had “returned” (from where?) and “spread” to the liver and elsewhere in his body. In actual fact, the colon surgery severely restricted his normal eliminative functions, thereby overburdening the liver and tissue fluids with toxic waste. The previous series of chemo-treatments inflamed and irreversibly damaged a large number of cells in his body, and also impaired his immune system — a perfect recipe for growing new cancers. Now unable to heal the causes of the original cancer (in addition to the newly created ones), Snow’s body developed new cancers in the liver and other parts of the body.
The mainstream media, of course, still insist Snow died from colon cancer, thus perpetuating the myth that it is only the cancer that kills people, not the treatment. Nobody seems to raise the important point that it is extremely difficult for a cancer patient to actually heal from this condition while being subjected to the systemic poisons of chemotherapy and deadly radiation. If you are bitten by a poisonous snake and don’t get an antidote for it, isn’t it likely that your body becomes overwhelmed by the poison and, therefore, cannot function anymore?
Before Tony Snow began his chemo-treatments for his second colon cancer, he still looked healthy and strong. But after a few weeks into his treatment, he started to develop a coarse voice, looked frail, turned gray and lost his hair. Did the cancer do all this to him? Certainly not. Cancer doesn’t do such a thing, but chemical poisoning does. He actually looked more ill than someone who has been bitten by a poisonous snake.
Does the mainstream media ever report about the overwhelming scientific evidence that shows chemotherapy has zero benefits in the five-year survival rate of colon cancer patients? Or how many oncologists stand up for their cancer patients and protect them against chemotherapy treatment which they very well know can cause them to die far more quickly than if they received no treatment at all? Can you trustingly place your life into their hands when you know that most of them would not even consider chemotherapy for themselves if they were diagnosed with cancer? What do they know that you don’t? The news is spreading fast that in the United States physician-caused fatalities now exceed 750,000 each year. Perhaps, many doctors no longer trust in what they practice, for good reasons.
“Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy… Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade. Yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors… Women with breast cancer are likely to die faster with chemo than without it.” – Alan Levin, M.D.
An investigation by the Department of Radiation Oncology, Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, Australia, into the contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year survival in 22 major adult malignancies, showed startling results: The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.” [Royal North Shore Hospital Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 2005 Jun;17(4):294.]
The research covered data from the Cancer Registry in Australia and the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results in the USA for the year 1998. The current 5-year relative adult survival rate for cancer in Australia is over 60%, and no less than that in the USA. By comparison, a mere 2.3% contribution of chemotherapy to cancer survival does not justify the massive expense involved and the tremendous suffering patients experience because of severe, toxic side effects resulting from this treatment. With a meager success rate of 2.3%, selling chemotherapy as a medical treatment (instead of a scam), is one of the greatest fraudulent acts ever committed. The average chemotherapy earns the medical establishment a whopping $300,000 to $1,000,000 each year, and has so far earned those who promote this pseudo-medication (poison) over 1 trillion dollars. It’s no surprise that the medical establishment tries to keep this scam alive for as long as possible.
In 1990, the highly respected German epidemiologist, Dr. Ulrich Abel from the Tumor Clinic of the University of Heidelberg, conducted the most comprehensive investigation of every major clinical study on chemotherapy drugs ever done. Abel contacted 350 medical centers and asked them to send him anything they had ever published on chemotherapy. He also reviewed and analyzed thousands of scientific articles published in the most prestigious medical journals. It took Abel several years to collect and evaluate the data. Abel’s epidemiological study, which was published on August 10, 1991 in The Lancet, should have alerted every doctor and cancer patient about the risks of one of the most common treatments used for cancer and other diseases. In his paper, Abel came to the conclusion that the overall success rate of chemotherapy was “appalling.” According to this report, there was no scientific evidence available in any existing study to show that chemotherapy can “extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancers.”
Abel points out that chemotherapy rarely improves the quality of life. He describes chemotherapy as “a scientific wasteland” and states that even though there is no scientific evidence that chemotherapy works, neither doctor nor patient is willing to give up on it. The mainstream media has never reported on this hugely important study, which is hardly surprising, given the enormous vested interests of the groups that sponsor the media, that is, the pharmaceutical companies. A recent search turned up exactly zero reviews of Abel’s work in American journals, even though it was published in 1990. I believe this is not because his work was unimportant — but because it is irrefutable.
The truth of the matter would be far too costly for the pharmaceutical industry to bear, thus making it unacceptable. If the mass media reported the truth that medical drugs, including chemotherapy drugs, are used to practically commit genocide in the U.S. and the world, their best sponsors (the pharmaceutical companies) would have to withdraw their misleading advertisements from the television media, radio stations, magazines, and newspapers. But neither group wants to go bankrupt.
Many doctors go as far as prescribing chemotherapy drugs to patients for malignancies that are far too advanced for surgery, with the full knowledge that there are no benefits at all. Yet they claim chemotherapy to be an effective cancer treatment, and their unsuspecting patients believe that “effective” equals “cure.” The doctors, of course, refer to the FDA’s definition of an “effective” drug, one which achieves a 50% or more reduction in tumor size for 28 days. They neglect to tell their patients that there is no correlation whatsoever between shrinking tumors for 28 days and curing the cancer or extending life. Temporary tumor shrinkage through chemotherapy has never been shown to cure cancer or to extend life. In other words, you can live with an untreated tumor for just as long as you would with one that has been shrunken or been eliminated by chemotherapy (or radiation).
Chemotherapy has never been shown to have curative effects for cancer. By contrast, the body can still cure itself, which it actually tries to do by developing cancer. Cancer is more a healing response than it is a disease. The “disease” is the body’s attempt to cure itself of an existing imbalance. And sometimes, this healing response continues even if a person is subjected to chemotherapy (and/or radiation). Unfortunately, as the previously mentioned research has demonstrated, the chances for a real cure are greatly reduced when patients are treated with chemotherapy drugs.
The side effects of the treatment can be horrendous and heartbreaking for both patients and their loved ones, all in the name of trustworthy medical treatment. Although the drug treatment comes with the promise to improve the patient’s quality of life, it is just common sense that a drug that makes them throw up and lose their hair, while wrecking their immune system, is doing the exact opposite. Chemo-therapy can give the patient life-threatening mouth sores. It attacks the immune system by destroying billions of immune cells (white blood cells). Its deadly poisons inflame every part of the body. The drugs can slough off the entire lining of their intestines. The most common side effect experienced among chemo patients is their complete lack of energy. The new additional drugs now given to many chemo patients may prevent the patient from noticing some of the side effects, but they hardly reduce the immensely destructive and suppressive effect of the chemotherapy itself. Remember, the reason chemotherapy can shrink some tumors is because it causes massive destruction in the body.
If you have cancer, you may think that feeling tired is just part of the disease. This rarely is the case. Feeling unusually tired is more likely due to anemia, a common side effect of most chemotherapy drugs. Chemo drugs can dramatically decrease your red blood cell levels, and this reduces oxygen availability to the 60-100 trillion cells of your body. You can literally feel the energy being zapped from every cell of your body — a physical death without dying. Chemo-caused fatigue has a negative impact on day-to-day activities in 89% of all patients. With no energy, there can be no joy and no hope, and all bodily functions become subdued.
One long-term side effect is that these patients’ bodies can no longer respond to nutritional or immune-strengthening approaches to cancerous tumors. All of this may explain why cancer patients who do not receive any treatment at all, have an up to four times higher remission rate than those who receive treatment. The sad thing is that chemotherapy does not cure 96% to 98% of all cancers anyway. Conclusive evidence (for the majority of cancers) that chemotherapy has any positive influence on survival or quality of life does not exist.
To promote chemotherapy as a treatment for cancer is misleading, to say the least. By permanently damaging the body’s immune system and other important parts, chemo-therapy has become a leading cause of treatment-caused diseases such as heart disease, liver disease, intestinal diseases, diseases of the immune system, infections, brain diseases, pain disorders, and rapid aging.
Before committing themselves to being poisoned, cancer patients need to question their doctors and ask them to produce the research or evidence that shrinking a tumor actually translates to any increase in survival. If they tell you that chemotherapy is your best chance of surviving, you will know they are lying or are simply misinformed. As Abel’s research clearly demonstrated, there is no such evidence anywhere to be found in the medical literature. Subjecting patients to chemotherapy robs them of a fair chance of finding or responding to a real cure and deserves criminal prosecution.
Andreas Moritz’s book, Cancer is not a Disease – It’s a Survival Mechanism, explains the root causes of cancer and how to eliminate them for good

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hell Hath No Fury when you speak out against Republican bigotry.

What will it take to shut  you up...asks a possible Republican......and my answer to that is: If the crazed Republican bullies put a gun to my head, I will  shut up and surrender.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Immortality of the 10 commandments.

By Christopher Hitchens
The row over the boulder-sized version  of the so-called "Ten Commandments," and as to whether they
 should be exhibited in such massive shape on public property, misses the opportunity to consider
 these top-10 divine ordinances and their relationship to original intent. Judge Roy Moore is clearly, as 
well as a fool and a publicity hound, a man who identifies the Mount Sinai orders to Moses with a certain
 interpretation of Protestantism. But we may ask ourselves why any sect, however primitive, would want
 to base itself on such vague pre-Christian desert morality (assuming Moses to be pre-Christian).
The first four of the commandments have little to do with either law or morality, and the first three suggest a terrific insecurity on the part of the person supposedly issuing them. I am the lord thy god and thou shalt have no other ... no graven images ... no taking of my name in vain: surely these could have been compressed into a more general injunction to show respect. The ensuing order to set aside a holy day is scarcely a moral or ethical one, unless you assume that other days are somehow profane. (The Rev. Ian Paisley, I remember, used to refuse interviewers for Sunday newspapers even after it was pointed out to him that it's the Monday edition that is prepared on Sunday.) Whereas a day of rest, as prefigured in the opening passages of Genesis, is no more than organized labor might have demanded, perhaps during the arduous days of unpaid pyramid erection.

So the first four commandments have almost nothing to do with moral conduct and cannot in any case be enforced by law unless the state forbids certain sorts of art all week, including religious and iconographic art—and all activity on the Sabbath (which the words of the fourth commandment do not actually require). The next instruction is to honor one's parents: a harmless enough idea, but again unenforceable in law and inapplicable to the many orphans that nature or god sees fit to create. That there should be no itemized utterance enjoining the protection of children seems odd, given that the commandments are addressed in the first instance to adults. But then, the same god frequently urged his followers to exterminate various forgotten enemy tribes down to the last infant, sparing only the virgins, so this may be a case where hand-tying or absolute prohibitions were best avoided.
There has never yet been any society, Confucian or Buddhist or Islamic, where the legal codes did not frown upon murder and theft. These offenses were certainly crimes in the Pharaonic Egypt from which the children of Israel had, if the story is to be believed, just escaped. So the middle-ranking commandments, of which the chief one has long been confusingly rendered "thou shalt not kill," leave us none the wiser as to whether the almighty considers warfare to be murder, or taxation and confiscation to be theft. Tautology hovers over the whole enterprise.
In much the same way, few if any courts in any recorded society have approved the idea of perjury, so the idea that witnesses should tell the truth can scarcely have required a divine spark in order to take root. To how many of its original audience, I mean to say, can this have come with the force of revelation? Then it's a swift wrap-up with a condemnation of adultery (from which humans actually can refrain) and a prohibition upon covetousness (from which they cannot). To insist that people not annex their neighbor's cattle or wife "or anything that is his" might be reasonable, even if it does place the wife in the same category as the cattle, and presumably to that extent diminishes the offense of adultery. But to demand "don't even think about it" is absurd and totalitarian, and furthermore inhibiting to the Protestant spirit of entrepreneurship and competition.
One is presuming (is one not?) that this is the same god who actually created the audience he was addressing. This leaves us with the insoluble mystery of why he would have molded ("in his own image," yet) a covetous, murderous, disrespectful, lying, and adulterous species. Create them sick, and then command them to be well? What a mad despot this is, and how fortunate we are that he exists only in the minds of his worshippers.
It's obviously too much to expect that a Bronze Age demagogue should have remembered to condemn drug abuse, drunken driving, or offenses against gender equality, or to demand prayer in the schools. Still, to have left rape and child abuse and genocide and slavery out of the account is to have been negligent to some degree, even by the lax standards of the time. I wonder what would happen if secularists were now to insist that the verses of the Bible that actually recommend enslavement, mutilation, stoning, and mass murder of civilians be incised on the walls of, say, public libraries? There are many more than 10 commandments in the Old Testament, and I live for the day when Americans are obliged to observe all of them, including the ox-goring and witch-burning ones. (Who is Judge Moore to pick and choose?) Too many editorialists have described the recent flap as a silly confrontation with exhibitionist fundamentalism, when the true problem is our failure to recognize that religion is not just incongruent with morality but in essential ways incompatible with it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BDSM and Kink Podcasts

All Kink Podcasts

This page lists all the kink podcasts we know about, sorted by title. If you'd like to nominate another kink podcast for inclusion, please email Tanos AT
The Dark Side
86 episodes available. Latest on 19 Apr 2012, 8:28am GMT : "DARK SIDE #084 - DA Visits Orangemonkeycast"
The Dark Side is an Adult, alternative lifestyle educational podcast - involving discussion on Relationships, play, sex, and open communication.
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Dart's Domain
67 episodes available. Latest on 1 Mar 2012, 5:20pm GMT : "Lolita Wolf Interview Podcast - Part 2"
Sir Dart's ongoing discussions around leather, kink, and the BDSM lifestyle
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19 episodes available. Latest on 28 Mar 2012, 5:17am GMT : "DungeonPlace Podcast EP 51 ? Pain"
Consensual Pain In Your Pocket
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9 episodes available. Latest on 10 May 2011, 4:13am GMT : "Perfect Enough . . . Mailler Phong"
Interviews with people about their fetish lifestyle. Guests include professional photographers, sex educators, masters and slaves, leather people, transgender, fetishists, and probably your neighbors.
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9 episodes available. Latest on 30 Nov 2010, 1:03am GMT : "Lew Rubens - Rope Bondage"
Interviews and Podcasts from members of the BDSM and Fetish lifestyle.
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Erotic Awakening Podcast
186 episodes available. Latest on 26 Apr 2012, 11:09am GMT : "EA184 - Touching Beyond Gender"
Welcome to Erotic Awakening with Dan and dawn, an informative and entertaining exploration of all things erotic. From sacred sexuality to fetishes, BDSM to erotic spirituality, non standard relationships to alternative love styles, as well as simply fun kink. Each week we present an aspect of erotic life - from how to sessions by well known instructors; interviews with highly regarded experts and presenters; event reviews from around the nation; to erotic products and kink media.
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Fetish Flame
47 episodes available. Latest on 17 Apr 2007, 4:59am GMT : "Fetish Flame 35.0 - April 16, 2007 - Hypnosis"
Fetish Flame is about exploring sex. It's about a couple pushing their boundaries together and sharing it with others. We are here to educate, titillate, and maybe have a few laughs. Our shows vary between personal where the two of us cuddle up on the red couch sharing our intimate experiences and thoughts, to guest shows where we host an array of fantastic guest sex educators, dominatrices, and fellow fetishists. Enjoy!
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The Fetish Show
3 episodes available. Latest on 5 Apr 2012, 2:33am GMT : "The Fetish Show 28 ? Burlesque Star Apple Angel & Boot Fetish"
A Fetish News, Kinky Events, Sex, BDSM Lifestyle Talk and Advice Show
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Freedom Of Fetish
34 episodes available. Latest on 9 Jan 2012, 3:22pm GMT : "Freedom of Fetish Episode 36: Mia Martina is back to talk about A Year of Sex & your naughty questions"
A sex, relationship, and fetish advice podcast hosted by Raven Lightholme
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Graydancer's Ropecast
116 episodes available. Latest on 22 Apr 2012, 6:18pm GMT : "Life from GRUEmont!"
The longest-running kinky sex podcast on the web. Rope bondage, BDSM, Adult Toys and more!
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House of Tanos Podcast
6 episodes available. Latest on 23 Dec 2011, 11:05pm GMT : "Tanos 20111223 New events of 2011"
Tanos talks about BDSM in the UK, events, O&P relationships, and more
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I Want Your Sex
44 episodes available. Latest on 27 Apr 2012, 2:35am GMT : "Hiatus"
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Kink On Tap
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The smart sexuality netcast for the kinkily inclined.
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Kinky Sex Radio
20 episodes available. Latest on 28 Feb 2007, 3:00pm GMT : "Kinky Sex Radio - 023 - Naughty Books and Naughty Websites"
Let's be clear: our show is NOT porn. It's a frank, honest and sometimes graphic discussion of sex. It's a show about ANY sort of hedonist, alternative and kinky lifestyle. From spanking to role play, beginner to pro - all questions are answered (as best we can). But, it is NOT porn. We can't say that enough.
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84 episodes available. Latest on 29 Apr 2012, 11:29pm GMT : "Finding The Lobster"
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Mistress Matisse's Podcast
49 episodes available. Latest on 11 Aug 2010, 9:02am GMT : "The New Young Dominants"
Mistress Matisse, Seattle sex columnist and professional dominatrix talks about BDSM, polyamory, sex work, and her life as a sexual outlaw. Adults only!More About MeRead My BlogRead My Sex Columns In Seattle Alt-Weekly Paper The StrangerMy Professional Domination WebsiteOther Articles By Me: The Lustlab Archives
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The New Slave
24 episodes available. Latest on 12 Jun 2008, 6:00pm GMT : "SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT"
Trying to figure out if I am alone in these feelings. Trying to work towards making myself a better person through behavior modification. Trying to make my Ma'am happy. This is a Journey into the D/s world for first time submissives/slaves. Fears, joys, negotiations, assignments. This Podcast was created using
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Polyamory Weekly
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Covers topics on BDSM and other mundane things from a submissive's perspective.
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Tie Em Up - Leather Bondage Master
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Washi Nawashi
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