Sunday, April 25, 2010

The black socialist commie Nazi Terrorist did it!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Did anyone punch anyone? Was there any actual blood? I think I might've missed it.Did Pelosi kick John Boehner in the testicles and then run away laughing before a screeching Virginia Foxx grabbed her by the hair, pulled her to the floor and punched her in the kidneys?
Did just about everyone on the House floor bitch-slap Bart Stupak -- who should right now vanish of the face of the earth forevermore, you simpering mealworm -- while Rahm Emmanuel head-butted Harry Reid, even as both burned a sneering Newt Gingrich doll in effigy? I might've been dreaming.

Did Obama finally strut in like a prize-fighter, like a Muay Thai boxer, bruised and exhausted after a solid year of this insane, polarizing BS, the viciousness of which even he never imagined? Did he deliver a dazzling barrage of calm, swift kicks to the heads of bitchy Repubs and nervous Dems alike, as everything devolved into a violent, smoke-filled melee of broken glass and shattered dentures, with little Joe Lieberman whimpering in the corner, rocking back and forth, wondering whatever happened to his integrity?
I don't think any of that happened. It sure felt like it happened. Maybe it should have happened. But I guess it didn't.
Behold, with the astonishing passage of flawed-but-incredible health care reform, we have the concomitant, frightening realization that this remains one of the most acidic, bitter, hopelessly divisive times to live in America and care a whit for national politics while maintaining a shred of morality, hope, a progressive soul.

Like millions, I was fairly convinced it simply could not get much worse or more acrimonious than when Dubya ran the nation into the ground, embarrassing and humiliating us planetwide a thousand times over as the rogue idiot pseudo-cowboy laughingstock war-hungry prick of the civilized world. I was wrong. But not in the way I imagined.
As Paul Krugman rightly points out, most Dems in the HCR fight reluctantly took their cues from Obama himself; they were inspired and urged to move from a place of genuinely trying to do what's right, a rather simple moral good for the nation, even at the expense of their own careers, all led by Obama's genuine ideal that basic health care is a national right, not a privilege.

In short, despite all their whining and infighting, the left wasn't pushing HCR because they wanted to stick it to the GOP. They weren't pushing it because they wanted to personally profit from various corporate cronies, though I'm sure some certainly will. They weren't pushing it due to multiple personal agendas. It was an authentic, at least somewhat egalitarian push to advance a basic ideal of the nation. Well, mostly. Which, in politics, is about as good as it gets.
The Republicans, on the other hand, were pure venom. Theirs was a systematic fearmongering, a nonstop bombardment of misguidings and untruths, an acid bath of panic overlaid with a fine sheen of racism and rage. This is turning out to be easily the nastiest, meanest GOP organization in ages, the house that Karl Rove built, a group shaming their own party's once-noble legacy. Even Reagan, who claimed Medicare would destroy the country, would be stunned at this gang's level of savagery.
Common wisdom now holds that while Obama finally succeeded in a truly historic, once-impossible vote, he has failed in his promise to be the uniter president, the community organizer of our liberal dreams, the guy who could somehow mend or at least bridge the hemorrhaging rift, not merely between the two parties, but also the two sides of American culture. This rift is defined hereby as the gulf between people with extant intelligence and subtle understanding of ideas, and the Sarah Palin-grade paranoids who don't quite understand what the hell they're raging about, but nevertheless do so with much clenched passion, fake tears, guns and a whole garage full of stockpiled bullets.

This is, to me, perhaps the saddest outcome of the insane health care fight. Not even Obama, the most intelligent, calm and experienced bringer-together president we could possibly hope for, was able to make a dent in the great wall. In fact, all evidence indicates he's even more polarizing, the absolute reverse of dumb-guy Bush who so violently repelled the intelligent and the informed. Obama is doing the opposite: the paranoids are so scared by the guy's untouchable force field of smarts and self-assurance, they're coagulating into little clusters, foamy little pools of resistance and anti-gummint hate.
Verily, health care reform will go down in history for many things -- Catholic nuns kicking ass, Ted Kennedy not having to roll in his grave, Democrats actually vaguely unifying -- but few are as amusing as the creation of the silliest political movement in recent American history, the Tea Party, a group barely cognizant of what it even stands for, with zero grasp of the history it's named after, who nevertheless will doubtlessly grab every tax benefit, housing subsidy, COBRA extension, Restoration Act moneys and (now) health care benefit that evil socialist Obama hands to them and their sniveling home states, even as they spit tobacco juice in his face. Adorable.

Eventually, something will have to give. Much like Wal-Mart pretending to care about going "green" because it realizes it can make/save lots of money, or Exxon pretending it gives a damn about the environment because it's a good PR move, perhaps the only way to force a change upon modern politicians it is to somehow incentivize it, to make it in both parties' best interests to shut the hell up and work together, lest we corral all of them into the street with pitchforks and fire, and run them off a cliff.
I have no idea how this can be done, what magic levers might be pulled or what miraculous tactical maneuver from Obama could possibly make both sides come to terms with the hateful chasm separating them -- and by extension, us. The environment? Education? High-fructose corn syrup? Wall Street? Colonizing deep space? No one knows.
One thing do we know for sure: As stunned, bedazzled and burned by the HCR fight as Americans feel right now, that's nothing compared to how we would respond when presented with some dramatic, exciting step forward that both parties were able to agree upon via passionate, articulate, thoughtful discussion and debate. True compassion, honesty, and heart? In thiscongress? Now that's impossible.

The Daring Spectacle
Mark Morford's latest book, 'The Daring Spectacle: Adventures in Deviant Journalism,' is available at, and beyond.
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea party - How Bad is it for America - Well First learn to speak the language..

The death threats keep coming this fine morning.  I guess the Tea Party crew is determined to have “death panels” one way or another.  The dustup started because of this cartoon:


“Learn to Speak Tea Bag” ran on my usual client sites, including NPR, which really set off the guys over herehere (note Condi giving child flowers down by "donate" button), herehere and here.  Before you could say, “due to a pre-existing condition, your health coverage has been denied,” there was a full-fledged viral campaign by right-wing media outlets and blogs to jump, scream and shout about this animation.  Which, to me, is just great!
I say that not because I get some thrill out of receiving emails that are in all capital letters or have more exclamation points than letters in the alphabet, I say that because one of the most important functions of a political cartoon, or political animation, is to foster a discussion.  With thousands of comments posted, loads of emails and tweets, discussion was definitely fostered, and then some.  It’s the “then some” that worries me.
Of course discussion on the web is not known for its civility, but it finally dawned on me the strangeness of receiving death threats at the same time a crazed Somali extremist tried to kill cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.
Muslim extremist, meet Tea Party extremist.  Tea Party extremist, meet Muslim extremist.
That is not to say all people who associate with the Tea Party movement are killers, just as not all Muslims from Somalia are killers.  I have very good friends from Somalia, and I have wonderful relatives in Idaho who are pro-gun, anti-government conservatives. 
People in this world, my dear Tea Baggers, are not always categorized into easy boxes of Left vs. Right, Socialist vs. Patriot. 
As a matter of fact, I myself am a left-leaning, pro-gay-marriage San Franciscan, Catholic, anti-Bush, anti-Nader guy who guts his own fish, has cut down trees with a chain saw and took political science classes with Mary Cheney.  Is your head imploding yet?
Surprisingly, one of the aspects of the animation that seems to really enrage the Tea Party set is the term “Tea Bag.”  Their claim is that the cartoon uses “bag” instead of “party” in order to take a cheap sexual shot at the Tea Party patriots. You can do your own research on the alternative meaning of “tea bag,” I won’t link to anything here.  Oh, except maybe I should link to some Tea Whatever sites that use the very term that appalls them so.  Here a bag, there a bag, everywhere a bag bag!  (Too bad the sexual angle eliminates any discussion of why the Tea Party crew thinks attempting to reform a disastrous health care system amounts to Socialism, Fascism, Nazism, etc.)
Another aspect of the rabid criticism is that NPR, an organization living high on the hog thanks to the mother’s milk of government (animal metaphors, all around!), should not be funding my anti-Tea Bagger cartoons with taxpayer money.  But alas, NPR does most of its villainous work using sponsorship, pledge drives and good ol’ fashioned Capitalism!  According to the NPR site, a tiny one to two percent of their yearly funding comes via grants from crazed Socialist organizations like the National Science Foundation, CPB and (gasp!) the NEA.  After all is said and done, the amount of taxpayer money that changed hands because NPR posted “Learn to Speak Tea Bag” was about, um . . . two-dollars and twenty-five cents.  If you want to dig deeper into NPR’s financial statements, they are publicly available here.
If that sort of taxpayer funding bothers you, you definitely should avoid any taxpayer-funded city streets, return your government-sponsored digital converter box and avoid doing business with any bank that owes its existence to a taxpayer bailout.
To all of you who have written emails and comments, I really wish I could respond to every one of you.  I truly appreciate your taking the time to write, even if we may be on different sides of the political fence.  If there is one thing that my politically mixed San Francisco/Idaho background has taught me, it is benefit of continuing a discussion even if you don’t agree.  Too often these days, the Left and the Right immediately shut down if you are deemed to be from the opposing camp.  Here’s to good discussion even if we don’t agree.
Now please don’t kill me :-)



I thought the cartoon was

I thought the cartoon was modestly humorous. One thing that detracted from the humor is that the accusations implied by the cartoon can too easily be attributed to the democrat party as ell. For instance, the liberals accused GWB of being a Nazi long before the Tea Party arose. And the liberals are always accusing their opponents of wanting children to die of starvation, global warming, and police brutality. As for death threats, in Wisconsin just this week, there are enough death threats against the legislators that activities had to be curtailed. Another example would be the implication that the Tea Party member is too stupid to understand words. Just recently the top fundraiser for NPR admitted that his recent words did not reflect his beliefs. That can only occur if you either do not understand the meaning of your own words or if you think the audience is too stupid to recognize a blatant lie.
To be really funny you need to make humorous points that weren't first promulgated by the "other side".
Keep trying, you are almost there.

Your pov is perfect.

Your pov is perfect. Unfortunately technology has eaten everyone's brain and American & International History has been changed for people to believe what they want to; not what actually happened -- I mean, history was 50+ years ago...who CARES?!?! Now, please do a cartoon on Ronald Reagan Day. You know, the best President..EVER. Make sure a Tea Bagger is narrating as history is rewriting itself every day....

This was one of your best

This was one of your best cartoons, and the fact that it got the attention and admiration of so many teagaggers is proof.

I love the cartoon; Keep up

I love the cartoon; Keep up the good work, Mark. In times when it seems as if the imbecility of a few may win over the minds of the many, it's always good to laugh, and the bigger the target, the better. Are you going to do one on the Tea Baggers Convention this week?

He wouldn't have been let

He wouldn't have been let in; Ms. Palin wouldn't have wanted anyone but the faithful zealots in attendance.

faithful PAYING zealots,

faithful PAYING zealots, maybe Mark should bring his checkbook gosh darn it!

and the Canadians were so

and the Canadians were so "accepting and respectful" of Ann Coulter the other day , right? Uh huh, thats what I thought..

Coulter is offensive to all

Coulter is offensive to all thinking life on the planet; she doesn't even have the benefit of being (vaguely) attractive like Palin.

Not as offensive as

Not as offensive as SotoMayor.

The justice is completely

The justice is completely inoffensive, with the exception of one or two statements taken out of context. Coulter is offensive every time she opens her scarecrow mouth, and she writes books full of her vile verbal spew. There's zero comparison; it's like trying to compare Courtney Love and Mother Teresa.

Go ahead and name one single

Go ahead and name one single solitary thing Ann Coulter has to do with this subject. Or are you just trying to distract people because you know that this is making the right wing look bad?

I think that this cartoon is

I think that this cartoon is a fine example of a thoughtful exercise of one's freedom of speech. Keep it up! :)

You people ought to be

You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves; I mean, it's fine and dandy for liberals to scream and march and use public forums to forward their agendas but many of you believe, heart and soul, that no one else has that 'god-given' right. Anyone who disagrees with your platform is an 'idiot,' or a 'moron,' or a 'fanatic.' I have a friend who spouts the most outrageous socialist nonsense and if anyone attempts to interject their view point, she becomes absolutely outraged. Are you people that uncertain of your beliefs that you can not, or will not, accept any challenge to your perceptions? The truth is, the real truth, is that each of us is right and each of us is wrong and there are no easy, simple answers; we can not cook up a solution to society's problems in a microwave! We can not set the timer for two minutes and expect everyone's problems and concerns to be resolved. We need to listen to each other and be willing to learn from each other. Because, like it or not, believe it, or not, a house divided will fall.

Wow..I don't understand the

Wow..I don't understand the difference between outrageous socialist nonsense and angry right-wing tea bag nuttiness.

And which side of the

And which side of the argument has talkshow and radio hosts that routinely belittle, demean, and mute those they don't agree with? Your glass house has a few cracks in it. Otherwise, a good sentiment.

Plain and simple? Both

Plain and simple? Both sides. Absolutely. I suspect that it is because, for some strange reason,our political affiliation becomes our alter ego. From "By gawd, my Daddy was a (fill in the blank( and my gran'daddy was a (fill in the blank.. to "My parents were universally uninformed, on all levels, and I can only surmise that, in supporting the (fill in the blank), I would be following in their erroneous and foolish footsteps..." Boils down to 'attack my party'... 'attack me.'
And why, in the world, do people get so upset over talkshow and radio hosts; they are the verbal equivalent of wrestling. It's a gun for hire concept that attracts listeners and makes lots and lots of money. Most of these 'professionals' would advocate eating rocks and painting yourself purple if it increased their drive time audience.
Of course, my glass house has cracks in it! So does yours. There really ain't no California; not in politics, not in life.
All that I tried to suggest is that we stop the vicious attacks, on all fronts; why can't we just have a bit of harmless fun instead of vilifying anyone who holds an opposing view. A glass of wine, maybe even (God forbid!) a cigarette, point, counterpoint and everyone leaves still liking and respecting each other. I think, I'm not sure, but I think it's called 'civilization.'

Wake up, America! Not only

Wake up, America! Not only is your healthcare dead, thanks to this week's Massachussets election, but now I hear that the US Supreme Court says it's okay to allow corporations to donate as much money as they want to a political party's campaign. Two guesses as to what effect that's going to have on the future of your country.
A puzzled Canadian fan of Mark Fiore.

So, you're Catholic? Then,

So, you're Catholic? Then, what's your position on babykilling? Or are you only Catholic in the same way that others are part of a bowling league?

Baby killing is wrong. I

Baby killing is wrong. I mean, babies are cute and cuddly. So no to baby killing. Besides, it might just get you the death penalty. Good law, that one.
Aside from that, if you were talking about abortion, and fetus rights, and when it should be considered a baby etc, please continue the discussion. Personally, if a woman wants to get rid of some cells growing inside her, she should ask a doc to carefully remove it, and keep it outside. After that it is up to the fetus or futurebaby or Next Alaskan Governor or whatever it is to grow the f--k up.

You do not understand fetal

You do not understand fetal development. Go to a medical library and check out the medical text on fetal development entitled "Life Before Birth". You may not understand the medical terms but you can look at the pictures and compare them to your conception of "a few cells". Educate yourself before you call others morons. Or was that your signature line?

Its wrong for killing

Its wrong for killing harnedned criminal murderers but okay to kill unborn babies. Talk about liberal logic.

I am a progressive that has

I am a progressive that has never had an abortion, neither has my daughter or her daughters. So what do you need to know about our position on 'babykilling'?
Even God gives people choice after the age of accountability. It is between a woman, her God and her doctor. You have no right even to know what was decided. For people that want the government out of your life you certainly want to interfere in ours. Perhaps we would all be better served if you would take care of your own lives and leave ours alone. 'Judge not lest ye be judged'.

Gary Kleppe's picture

A fetus is not a baby.

A fetus is not a baby.

COTO's picture

> A fetus is not a baby. Of

A fetus is not a baby.
Of course a fetus isn't a baby.
Everyone knows that it magically transforms into a baby on the eve of the third trimester.
The journal Nature also reports that in the 24 hours prior to that, the infant is in a flux state of being 40% baby and 60% fetus.
To safely avoid murdering a baby, therefore, be certain to have your doctor jam the forceps into its head, split open its skull, and evacuate the brain matter with a catheter at least a day before the six-month mark.

Love the fetus and hate the

Love the fetus and hate the child.
Be sure that we don't have to make sure they are fed, housed, educated, or have health care. That would be socialism. the 'holier than thou', hypocracy makes me sick. It's okay to kill thousands of Iraqis, or help Israel kill thousands of Lebonese and Palistinians, but God forbid that women have abortions.

COTO's picture

Firstly, I've never railed

Firstly, I've never railed against socialism or lent my support to killing Iraqis, Lebanese, or Palestinians.
Secondly, if you want to appear as though you actually give a toot about the people of Lebanon and Palestine, I suggest you at least learn how to spell "Lebanon" and "Palestine".
Thirdly, if killing unborn children happens to be wrong, wars being fought in the middle east don't magically change that fact.

Oh, OK, let's kill it then.

Oh, OK, let's kill it then.

Can't kill something that

Can't kill something that can't live on its own. It never had life, it merely sucked life from its host.

mainestategop's picture

Thats what the Germans used

Thats what the Germans used to say about Jews Gypsies and the disabled. Based on those arguements and the arguements of others I've seen it seems that according to liberals the state has the right to kill you. That kind of thinking is what leads to holocausts. Life begins at conception and from then on to a natural death it is to be valued.

COTO's picture

And why bother making a

And why bother making a complicated distinction between 'fetus' and 'tapeworm'.

I don't always agree with

I don't always agree with your thoughts Champion. But this time you are dead on. I share your frustration.
I will never understand why people don't consider a fetus human, and afford it the same rights as a baby a couple of months older would get.
Lots of ridiculous comments all the time on this subject. What about babies who are born premature and survive? Ok, so many have problems, or die as a result of altering their environmental support systems. Guess what? You and I are dependant for the duration of our lives on our environment too.
If I could shut off the sun - you'd die.
If I could close the taps - you'd die.
No air? - You'd die.
If you didn't have the support of a society - you'd have a tough time - or you'd die (more likely if you live in a northern area and didn't have survival skills).

But it has never been a

But it has never been a question of whether a fetus is a baby. It is a baby in development from the first cell. The question is only what rights does this fetus have and how do they balance against the rights of the mother. The reason that this discussion goes on and on is that this is the one case where there are two individuals in one body, and often the new individual came as a surprise. Given the extreme medical, legal, moral, and social demands that a newborn always puts apon a mother it is natural to find situations where the mother is not ready and may be incapable or unwilling to answer those demands. It is the case of conflict that we discuss when we talk about abortion, not the issue of life. The bottom line is how hard should society force a prospective mother to subvert her life to the needs of another. Some hold the position that the mother is disposable and can be killed if it insures the survival of the child. Some hold that the child is disposable and can be killed if it advances the life of the mother. Some (like the Supreme Court) are in the middle. Everybody seems to have an opinion except the mothers who always know what side they are on.

Medically, they're about the

Medically, they're about the same.

So how many crack addicted,

So how many crack addicted, HIV positive babies, have you adopted?

Nothing like a personal

Nothing like a personal attack to move the discussion forward... sigh.

Brilliant! Keep up the

Keep up the satire.


Controversy? Whatever...everyone with a political opinion voices their position. The only difference is that you voiced through your talent as a cartoonist. Good for you...will look for more. I am including your site on my blogroll.

These same people screamed

These same people screamed bloody murder when the Muslims got upset over the Muhammad cartoon--do not back down. These thugs have to know they can't get their way by bullying.

This is a hilarious cartoon!

This is a hilarious cartoon! Thank you!

Thank you, Mark! Don't mind

Thank you, Mark!
Don't mind the imbecility of our uneducated masses. It is rather unfortunate, but lately conservatism is becoming synonymous with moronism. There is no dialog, really.

I find it chilling that the

I find it chilling that the Tea Baggers not only think that they and only they should have their opinions heard, but they also seem to think that people espousing any other viewpoint should die.
Keep up the good work, Mark. All the sane, reasonable, rational people in this country are counting on you.
COTO's picture

*Whistle* Looks like the NPR

Looks like the NPR bit was your own personal Denmark-gate, Mr. Fiore.
The clip with O'Reilly was a keeper. Ms. Skinner couldn't admit that Fioreland isn't exactly Right Wing Ralphie's playground. And O'Reilly? ... Well, that 'Jihadist' comment speaks for itself, doesn't it?
You should turn it into a bumper sticker: Mark Fiore: Cartoonist, Turkey Euthanizer, Jihadist
Apologies for the death threats from my... *ahem*... 'lesser enlightened' conservative brethren. To the angry man, a 'tea bag' cartoon could easily be misinterpreted as Mr. Fiore calling him an idiot (which, if we're being honest, isn't a particularly far-reaching misinterpretation for this particular toon).
Still, death threats are quite an accomplishment for a humble cartoonist.
Don't let it go to your head. Quite a few sites post their hate mail online. I've seen death threats for things as innocuous as claiming that ninjas commit suicide by swallowing frisbees. Honestly.
Anyway, here's hoping that you prove O'Reilly wrong and welcome new conservatives into the fold with Wednesday's toon. (Because we all know that threats make editorialists oh-so eager to change their worldview. :P )

Reading these comments make

Reading these comments make me wish the humongous asteroid would get here all the sooner. It's all so sad.
Those who offer death threats for an opinion are exactly the opposite of a true American. They are the very threat from which they profess to protect us.

I find it funny. No I really

I find it funny. No I really do.
Please read "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning" by Jonah Goldberg. Then you will come to realize that the Liberals in this country have more in common with Nazi's then the Right does, and then you too may find just how 'funny' this cartoon really is.

Mr. Goldberg needs to read

Mr. Goldberg needs to read what actual fascism is, then go back and rewrite his book... by throwing it in a fire.

do tea baggers also wet the

do tea baggers also wet the bed? Seems so, by some of the postings here.
Quick suggestion- If you don't want folks to think that you are being threatening- DON'T SHOW UP TO RALLIES WITH YOUR AR-15.
I have a nice collection as well, but don't take them into crowds of un-armed folks.
GROW UP gobshites.

I believe that Hitler and

I believe that Hitler and Stalin both like cartoons too.
Grumpy Demo

Thank you --- I now feel

Thank you --- I now feel like I can brave morning carpool at my children's "W the President" school.

When members of a movement

When members of a movement are unable to articulate their beliefs in a way that makes at least some sense to a neutral third party, their real fear is probably loss of status (class, racial, national, or all three). If you rage against "public spending," can you say exactly what kind of public spending? Are we spending too much on war, roads, schools, bank bailouts, what? Do you want government to be "limited" when it comes to natural disasters, social security, Medicare, etc.? Do you want to be on your own if corporations put poison in your food or medicine (deregulation and "trial lawyers")?
I've observed American politics for a long time. "Liberals" and "The Left" are often arrogant and insult their opponents, but I have not yet seen them call for the physical destruction of those opponents. The rhetoric of Nazi Germany called for the physical elimination of social and political groups (Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, the handicapped, socialists, Communists, etc.). Those people were supposedly out to destroy Germany and the survival of the "volk" depending on getting rid of them. Too many "mainstream conservative" spokesmen are now telling their followers that "liberals" must be physically eliminated or tried for treason. They, like the Jews and other pariahs of Nazi Germany, are supposedly out to destroy the nation. Moreover, like Nazi Germany, we are seeing an alliance between the "radical fringe" of the political Right and mainstream conservative elites (corporations, the Republican Party, conservative churches, and elements of the military).
Unfortunately, Obama and his advisors are fools. They are on the Titanic and don't even realize it.

I think your observations

I think your observations are poignant and pretty spot-on. I don't know if Obama and his advisors are, as you put it, "on the Titanic and don't even realize it". If that is the case, then we're all in that boat together, teabaggers included. I won't belabor that analogy further, suffice it to say, "I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past", to quote Thomas Jefferson. Interesting, isn't it, how people on both sides of a controversy or issue can borrow just as freely from any of the "Founding Fathers" in defense of their own viewpoints? Here's one from Ben Franklin: "Force shites upon Reason." (from Poor Richard's Almanac"