Friday, April 9, 2010

Exposing the damage caused by Radical Feminism on Men, Women, Children, Husbands, WIves and Society....

Combatting Feminist Ms-Information

Robert Sheaffer

Refuting the Most Common Feminist Lies and Pseudo-Scholarship

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It's official now: Science Magazine and the University of Chicago Press own up that the

"Peaceful Ancient Matriarchy" on Crete

was just a politically-inspired fantasy. (But remember how fiercely it was defended by so many

"intellectuals" just fifteen years ago! Remember the fuss over Gimbutas, Eisler, etc.?)

Is There Anything Good About Men?

by Dr. Roy F. Baumeister.

An invited address given to the American Psychological Association on August 24, 2007,

it gives seldom-heard answers to feminists' charges that men are dysfunctional (or worse).

Bonobos are celebrated as peace-loving, matriarchal, and sexually liberated. Are they?

"Frans de Waal... who is the most frequently quoted authority on the species, has never seen a wild bonobo."

(And how did so many bonobos lose their fingers and toes if they're so "nonagressive"?)

My article in Skeptic Magazine

dissects the claims of The DaVinci Code,

with its "sacred feminine."

The feminist movement as we have come to know it in recent decades

is fundamentally a "con." It is as filled with falsehood, inaccuracy,

and foolishness as astrology or parapsychology. As it is considered

treasonous to criticise a sister feminist, no standards of accuracy or

honesty are ever enforced. Hyperbole and deceit thus become the formula for

success, "peer review" playing no role in reining in misinformation.

Any would-be feminist who raises scholarly objections to the rampant

misinformation (

Christina Hoff Sommers


Camille Paglia


Wendy McElroy


Elaine Showalter


Erin Pizzey


Elizabeth Loftus,

etc.) is branded an 'enemy of women' and is

drummed out of the movement.

<P>What a Man's Gotta Do!

Various feminists proclaim that women are 'under siege', that a monstrous

social bias against them, if not a virtual war, is going on, that women

have little respect or power (Steinem, Faludi,

Tavris, etc.) Yet the notion of the American woman as

a powerless "victim" is one

of the most absurd notions ever foisted upon anyone. American women live,


average, seven years longer than men. They control 86 %

of all personal wealth [PARADE Magazine, May 27, 1990], and

make up 55% of current college graduates. Women cast

54% of the votes in Presidential elections, so they

can hardly claim to be left out of the political

decision-making process!

They win almost automatically in child custody disputes. Women suffer

only 6% of the work-related fatalities (the other 94% are

suffered by men).

Women are the victim of only about 35% of violent crimes,

and only about 25% of all murders, yet

because of our society's exaggerated concern and respect for

them, special

legislation has been passed to punish "violence against

women" as if it were a more heinous crime than "violence

against men". (Feminists claim to want "equality", and

this is an example of what "equality" means to them,

i.e., preferential treatment to address their concerns).

Two out of every three dollars spent on health care

is spent on women, and even if you don't count

pregnancy-related care, women still receive more medical

care than men

- yet feminists still

holler that womens health is being "neglected", and far

too many of us credulously believe them.

Of the 25 worst jobs, as ranked by the based on a combination of salary,

Jobs Related Almanac

stress, security, and physical demands, 24 of them are predominantly,

if not almost entirely, male, which might explain why

men commit over 80% of all suicides.

(Most of these statistics

come from

The Myth of Male Power

by Warren Farrell.)

Now, if it were really the case, as

feminists claim, that men have selfishly arranged everything to be

wonderful for themselves, absolutely ignoring womens' legitimate

concerns and needs, would the above be true?

Of course not. It is much

more realistic to suggest that women have cleverly seized the upper

hand by pretending to be helplessly trapped below!

Looking at the full picture, and not the tiny, distorted one

that feminists and those they have duped present, we see a

very different picture: The American woman emerges as perhaps

the most privileged large group in history, enjoying a never-before-

seen level of affluence, power, leisure, and health, supported by

the work, discipline, and self-effacing, life-destroying exertions of

a group they have bamboozled - their men - into believing their

cries of "victimization". The links below will help you

to start finding

your way out of the familiar maze of feminist lies.

Click here to read my article,

Feminism, The Noble Lie

Take Back the Campus: refuting the

Ten Most Common Feminist Myths

(which are more accurately termed "lies," because feminists just keep on promoting them with reckless disregard for truth, no matter how many times the falsehood of these claims is pointed out to them.).

Read my article

Bill Clinton and the Gender Gap,

in the August, 1996 issue of

The Backlash



Steven Goldberg's


Feminism Against Science


Falsehoods about 'Domestic Violence'

In Feminist Writings, Men are "Batterers" and Women are "Victims" -

But Reality is Much More Complex

The Superbowl Battering Hoax

- first promoted by "FAIR" and by "battered woman expert" Lenore Walker.

My Debunking of Lenore Walker's

The Battered Woman,

a preposterous and indefensible work of pseudo-scholarship that has

nonetheless attained near-icon status within so-called 'Womens Studies'.


Christina Hoff Sommers

shows, the famous

"Rule of Thumb" for Wife Beating

is really just a feminist lie.

Laura Flanders of a group calling itself "FAIR"

(which played a major role in promoting

the "Superbowl Battering" hoax) made a big stink,

href= TARGET="_blank">

accused Sommers of misrepresenting facts.


Sommers'devastating reply to Flanders.

(To this day, Politically Correct feminists still try to use Flanders'

accusations to bash Sommers in attempting to presuade people they believe

to be naieve, even though they know the charges aren't true.

If you show them that you've read Sommers' refutation of the charges, they'll

quickly shut up, or change the subject.)

Feminists, bolstered by oceans of phony statistics,

are now trying to seize Valentine's Day (a day traditionally for

celebrating good relations between the sexes) and re-define it as


a day to protest supposed systemic patriarchal violence against women.

(Feminists always have had a big problem dealing with heterosexuality.)


Christina Hoff Sommers has shown

how phony their male-bashing claims are.

(It might be a good idea to check out V-day's list of sponsors and boycott them.)

Every Seven Seconds,

a Feminist tells a Lie about Domestic Violence. Noted researcher

Richard J. Gelles tries to set the record straight.

A wonderful expose' of how feminists have sabotaged and hijacked the fight

against Domestic Violence, turning it into a weapon for use in their

war against men, is found in

"Prone to Violence"


Erin Pizzey,

who founded the first Domestic Violence shelter in the U.K.

Feminists can only get away with claiming that "domestic violence"

equals "men beating up women" because people are unaware of the

massive documentation of female-instigated domestic violence.

Facts refuting feminist propaganda on

Family Violence

by Family Resources and Research.

This is</P>
<P>what Satan looks like

'Recovered Memories' and other False Accusations Against Men

(left) In her best-selling book on 'recovered memories',

Michelle Remembers

what Satan looks like.

A debunking of Michelle's story

was published in the London Sunday Mail on Sept. 30, 1990.

My debunking of the feminist "Recovered Memories" book,

The Courage to Heal,

that has sold millions of copies, bringing

discord and misery to many thousands of families

across North America.

Feminists say that

Women Don't Lie About Rape,

but in reality no other crime has

as high an incidence of false reporting.

Dr. Ed Friedlander talks about

False allegations of child abuse

that he has encountered (and gives valuable references).

Falsehoods and Foolishness about Supposed 'Nonpatriarchal Societies'

All Human Societies, Without Exception, are Patriarchal, so Feminist

Writers Routinely Resort to Obfuscation and even Deceit to Conceal this

Embarrassing Fact

My unmasking of a well-known feminist scholar's deceptions about

a supposed

Native American Gender-Equal Society

that has been widely taught in Womens Studies classes.

In 1994 the New York Times reported the existence of

another supposed

Gender-Equal Society in the South Pacific.

But this claim appears highly dubious as well.

In The Mismeasure of Woman,

Carol Tavris

attempts to blow smoke in the readers' eyes about the realities

of male dominance.

Steven Goldberg

cuts through the fog.

Prof. Goldberg explains the

logic, and some of the fallacies,

associated with discussions of Patriarchy.


Patriarchy Avoidable?

Professors Ridley and Goldberg dispute.

Some claim that

the Iroquois

represent an Exception

to Universal Patriarchy.

Here Prof. Goldberg examines that claim.

Every claimed instance of a supposed

"nonpatriarchal society"

is examined in

Why Men Rule


Steven Goldberg.

(Chicago: Open Court, 1994)

Not one such claim stands up to critical scrutiny.

<P>The U.N. Conference on Women Promoted Goddess falsehoods

Goddess Pseudo-History

Unable to find any "Matriarchies" in the present day, many feminists

resort to inventing an idyllic Lost Matriarchal Paradise in the

dim mists of pre-history.

Even though there is no acceptable scholarly

evidence for this, it has become an accepted fact in "Womens Studies"

Supposed 'Old Matriarchal Village' at the U.N.

Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995

My debunking of

The Goddess Remembered,

a pseudo-historical documentary widely seen on PBS during

'pledge weeks'. (Hint: If they're broadcasting this garbage,

Don't Pledge!.

Instead, call them up and explain why you won't pledge)

Read Charlotte Allen's piece

demolishing feminist/neopagan "Goddess History"

in the January, 2001 issue of

The Atlantic Monthly.

Detailed sources debunking the

Goddess Garden of Eden

myths promoted by Marija Gimbutas, Riane Eisler, etc. These are unscholarly

claims that are routinely taught in "Womens Studies" classes as

if they were established fact.

However, the newly-online

Encyclopedia Brittanica article on "matriarchy"

refutes these claims, and

states plainly that "the consensus among modern anthropologists and sociologists is that a strictly matriarchal society never existed."

The best book debunking the Goddess nonsense is

Goddess Unmasked


Philip G. Davis.


my review of the book.

How historically accurate are the "Goddess" claims made in the best-seller

The DaVinci Code?

Not at all,

as we see in this article from a Catholic magazine.

The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory

by Cynthia Eller. "Why an Invented Past Won't Give Women a Future."

Faces of the Goddess

by Lotte Motz.

The Pagan religions of the Ancient British Isles -

their Nature and Legacy.

by Ronald Hutton. Scholary refutations of wildly-inaccurate contemporary neopagan claims.

Pseudo-History About Witchcraft

Craving ever-greater Victim Status, Andrea Dworkin and

other feminists invented a

pseudo-history of a 'Womens Holocaust' in the Middle Ages.

Turning upside-down the tactics of the 'Holocaust Revisionists', who

claim that a real genocide never occurred, the feminists claim

to be the victims of a genocide that wasn't.

This myth, complete with a fabricated pro-feminist Pre-Christian Age,

is taught as if it were true in so-called "Womens Studies" classes.

Jack Kapicka's debunking of

The Burning Times,

another pseudo-historical documentary often shown on PBS during

'pledge weeks'. (Again: If they're broadcasting this garbage,

Don't Pledge!.)

Both women and men were


of 'witchcraft,' and men make up

the majority of those accused of 'heresy.' Both groups were brutally

tortured by the Inquisition. Furthermore, most of the accusers

of supposed witches were women.

Feminist claims that witch-groups actually

existed, and were "healers", are not supported by scholarship, nor

is the claim that accused witches were actually the remnants of a

gentle, female-centered pagan religion. Historian Norman Cohn

debunks the pseudo-scholarship of Margaret Murray who is the principal

source for those "neopagan" claims, noting that Murray selectively quoted

from her sources, citing those passages tending to support her

thesis, while ignoring or deleting intervening sentences that

invalidate her claims.

(Europe's Inner Demons.

New York: Basic Books, 1975).

T.M. Luhrmann reached a similar conclusion after examining Murray's claims in

Persuasions of the Witch's Craft

(Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1989),

suggesting that

"those accused of witchcraft in early modern Europe were very likely

innocent of any practice."


Witches and Neighbors: The Social and Cultural Context of European Witchcraft

(Viking, 1996),

Oxford professor Robin Briggs writes,

"Historical European witchcraft is quite simply a fiction, in the sense that

there is no evidence that witches existed, still less that they celebrated

black masses or worshiped strange gods... On the wilder shores of the feminist

and witch-cult movements a potent myth has become established, to the effect

that 9 million women were burned as witches in Europe, gendercide rather than

genocide. This is an overestimate by a factor of up to 200, for the most

reasonable modern estimates suggest perhaps 100,000 trials between 1450 and

1750, with something between 40,000 and 50,000 executions, of which 20-25%

were men."

Click here to view a

Portrait of 3 Men Condemned by the Spanish Inquisition

(68K GIF). The caption reads: "1., Garment of one who is to be burned

alive. 2., Garment of one who has escaped being burned by confessing

before being condemned; 3., Garment of one who has avoided the fire by

confessing after his condemnation." (from an 18th-century French

history book).

Other Feminist Pseudo-History

Feminists often claim that Lady Ada Lovelace was

"the world's first programmer."

While she was no doubt very intelligent, her accomplishments have been

grossly overstated, for reasons of ideology. Read an article

debunking the feminist 'Ada myth'.

"All of the programs cited in her notes," writes Allan Bromley of the

University of Sydney, "had been prepared by

Babbage from three to seven years earlier."

Feminists also claim that Einstein's first wife Mileva Maric made substantial

contributions to his historic Relativity Theory.

Allen Esterson got PBS to withdraw many unfounded claims made in its 2003 documentary

Einstein's Wife

(and indeed the Australian Brodcasting Company withdrew the documentary itself, although US PBS did not). Many unfounded claims still remain on the PBS website.

"Womens Studies": Political Propaganda and Deception

Masquerading as "Scholarship"

Who Stole Feminism?

by Christina Hoff Sommers

Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Womens Studies

by Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge.

Feminism Under Fire


Ellen Klein.


Prometheus Books,

1996.) "Modern-day feminism is intellectually dishonest and

scandalously unscholarly," says this

professor of philosophy and one-time academic feminist.

Michael Wright's critique of the use of

bogus statistics by the Womens Studies Department

at the University of Oklahoma (and the university's complete unwillingness to

hold them accountable in any way!)

The "Difference Deniers"

Under the auspices of "Womens Studies," feminists run a cottage industry of

"Difference Deniers," claiming (variously and usually inconsistently) the the

observed cognitive and even physical differences between women and men are


A) not real,

B) wholly socially constructed,

C) diminishing,

D) insignificant, or

E) have already disappeared!

The best-known of the Difference Deniers are Anne Fausto-Sterling, author of

Myths of Gender,

and Carol Tavris, author of

The Mismeasure of Woman.

Modern science, of course, is moving precisely in the opposite direction, documenting

more and more innate and intrinsic male/female differences with each passing year.

The noted Darwinist author (and feminist) Helena Cronin debunks the Difference Deniers:

Getting Human Nature Right.

The Difference Deniers score a Big Win:

Science Magazine pulls an already-accepted


by a respected developmental biologist explaining innate male/female brain differences

because it allegedly did not "lead to a clear strategy about how to deal with the gender issue."

In other words: "feminists will kill us if we run this article." (And people still talk about

an alleged 'Republican War on Science'!

Read the

censored article

here - it has been attracting a great deal of attention).

MIT brain researcher Steven Pinker debunks the Politically Correct dogma of

the mind as a

Blank Slate.


references on Sex differences,

which if the Difference Deniers were correct, would be an empty list. Also, the

peer-reviewed scientific publication

Hormones and Behavior

would contain nothing but empty pages!

Sex differences in the distribution of mental ability.

(According to the Difference Deniers, such differences can't possibly exist.)

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