You would think with the state of affairs that the republicans party is in, with no clear leadership — exception to Limbaugh, Teabaggers, and Becky-po — and no clear message or ideas, the republicans would at least take time to try to re-establish themselves. Not so. Once again they are participating in what they do best, cater to big business.
Corporate America is gambling on the minority in its political giving this year, assuming that Republicans will win big in the November midterm elections, an analysis of campaign finance reports shows…. The change comes as top Republicans lawmakers appeal more directly to business leaders, putting them on notice that the GOP is keeping track of the corporate donations ledger and will remember who stood by the party.
As part of an effort dubbed “Sell the Fight,” House Republican leaders have met privately with corporate executives and lobbyists to argue that their giving has tilted too far toward Democrats and that they need to steer more money to industry-friendly GOP candidates in key races in 2010.
“These corporate leaders and lobbyists have got interests and clients they need to look out for, and they are reading the tea leaves just like everyone else,” said Rep. Greg Walden (Ore.), the deputy chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee, who has made several private pitches to corporate PAC leaders. (h/t Steve Benen)
Of course this is all being done with the audacious hope that the republicans win big in November. Yet, I get the feeling the republicans are not going to do as well as they are aspiring too, not with crazies like Rand Paul. The reason why the republicans are keeping tabs of which business help them financially, is so, you know, they can kill bills in the Senate that are bad for big business but protective of us.
Once again proving that republicans are not for the people, by the people or much less people.

Laura's submissive wife blogs This blog is mainly about submissions, spankings & Republicans - more or less in that order. It is the fun, sexy, groovy, tingly, exciting kind of submission that turns me on like a chrimas tree! My husband trains me, disciplines me, reddens my bottom and I just love it. I invite you to read, share, and enjoy. This is a place where my deepest desires, fantasies does take flight in secret.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Republican Wingnuts brilliance and how our economy declined.
20 States (w/Wing Nuts) Move to Reclaim Their Sovereignty
I don’t need to bother outlining any of the 20 states that are reclaiming their so called sovereignty, all I need to do is point out how we found ourselves standing at the brink of the abyss. The math is very simple, after 8 years of GOP rule, plus the policy of giving tax breaks to the top 5% of the riches Americans (mostly CEOs), while borrowing money from every other country and then multiply that with the wasted ideology that came from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (who has advocated for 8 years more tax cuts and less regulations), you get a toxic mix of bullshit. Turns out that was a pretty dangerous combination and we are living through the failure of the GOP’s flawed ideology.
Now that we are all living through this republican created problem, which went global, due to their disgraceful flawed logic, as usual, they are looking for someone to blame. Hey, the Federal government can fit that bill. Of course the Federal government was not an issue when the real person (Bush) allowed us to get to this point of almost imploding while he in office. Why now are they seeking to blame the Federal government? Because Bush catered to the republicans petty cultural wars. For example, Roe vs. Wade. Should a state have the right to supersede a Federal law because a bunch of conservative law makers have issues with abortion? Another example is gay rights. Should the civil rights of gay people be placed in the hands of a state if the law makers are conservative and believe gay people are an abomination?
This outcry for sovereignty is sounding more and more like a way to impede other people’s freedoms and rights. Especially since the only reason it is picking up any steam is because there is currently a Black democrat running the country. It seems incomprehensible for the republicans to believe that some of us would like to move into the 21st century without discussing when bread cost a nickle and the good old days. Its a matter of who you are speaking to really. Not all of us remember the past as the good old days. What was so good about the KKK? What was so good about segregation? What was so good about women using coat hangers or going to sleazy doctors to have an abortion? State’s looking for sovereignty is no different than asking us to go back into time and allow all kinds of oppressions to be an acceptable way of life, depending on the state you live in. It seems more like we have a group of republicans that want to do away with the United from the words United States. After all it took the Federal government for slavery to finally come to its demise.
All twenty states have some form of school zero-tolerance law (the kind of”no-nonsense” law that got 33 Philadelphia kindergartners suspended in 2002). All except four of these states practice Capital Punishment. Fifteen have had police-induced taser deaths since 2001. Twelve prohibit smoking in private establishments, and almost all of them have some form of gambling prohibition (indeed…three even consider playing online poker for money to be a felony).
In reality, these states are far from”cutting edge” when it comes to the defense of personal liberties. And their resolutions are far from making a lasting change on the face of American politics as we know it.
For Constitutionalists and libertarians the 20 states claiming sovereignty is probably a sweet wet dream come true. They see this as a return to the constitution and what our founding father’s had envisioned. Of course I must point out the obvious, which is the simple fact that our visionary forefather’s were slave owners. Let’s not deny the undeniable truth that since that era we have come a long way from a lot of what was the acceptable practices of our forefathers. The constitution is the floor plans on how we should conduct ourselves as a nation; but; using it to interpret all situations is no different than using the Bible to interpret all facets of our lives, which may work for a wing nut but does nothing for the more rational and sane. For the constitutionalists and libertarians to ride this pony shows how possibly racist they really are. That they would jeopardy people’s personal freedoms for a right wing agenda, even if it is wrapped up in the constitution, is very telling in deed.
That these resolutions were proposed doesn’t mean they represent consensus in the state legislature either. Like Dennis Kucinich’s calls for Bush’s impeachment several times in the last few years, these resolutions may only reflect the beliefs of a limited minority in state legislatures.
Many of the media outlets covering the state sovereignty movement are elated at the news. They see this maneuver as a crucial step toward guaranteeing the personal freedoms laid out in the Constitution.
But are these states really the bastion of freedom and liberty?
The short answer is no.
Fortunately this whole we will be set free moment for the wing nut tribe is no more than a happy hour. The fact that a bunch of republican wing nuts have the nerve to cram this crap down the throats of the American people while we are in the midst of an economic melt down only goes to show their insensitivity. Outside of cleaning up the mess from their failed ideology, now we must shut down their campaign to take us further into a hole with cultural wars? I for one am getting a little tire of everything being about them and their pathetic marginal party.
I don’t need to bother outlining any of the 20 states that are reclaiming their so called sovereignty, all I need to do is point out how we found ourselves standing at the brink of the abyss. The math is very simple, after 8 years of GOP rule, plus the policy of giving tax breaks to the top 5% of the riches Americans (mostly CEOs), while borrowing money from every other country and then multiply that with the wasted ideology that came from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (who has advocated for 8 years more tax cuts and less regulations), you get a toxic mix of bullshit. Turns out that was a pretty dangerous combination and we are living through the failure of the GOP’s flawed ideology.
Now that we are all living through this republican created problem, which went global, due to their disgraceful flawed logic, as usual, they are looking for someone to blame. Hey, the Federal government can fit that bill. Of course the Federal government was not an issue when the real person (Bush) allowed us to get to this point of almost imploding while he in office. Why now are they seeking to blame the Federal government? Because Bush catered to the republicans petty cultural wars. For example, Roe vs. Wade. Should a state have the right to supersede a Federal law because a bunch of conservative law makers have issues with abortion? Another example is gay rights. Should the civil rights of gay people be placed in the hands of a state if the law makers are conservative and believe gay people are an abomination?
This outcry for sovereignty is sounding more and more like a way to impede other people’s freedoms and rights. Especially since the only reason it is picking up any steam is because there is currently a Black democrat running the country. It seems incomprehensible for the republicans to believe that some of us would like to move into the 21st century without discussing when bread cost a nickle and the good old days. Its a matter of who you are speaking to really. Not all of us remember the past as the good old days. What was so good about the KKK? What was so good about segregation? What was so good about women using coat hangers or going to sleazy doctors to have an abortion? State’s looking for sovereignty is no different than asking us to go back into time and allow all kinds of oppressions to be an acceptable way of life, depending on the state you live in. It seems more like we have a group of republicans that want to do away with the United from the words United States. After all it took the Federal government for slavery to finally come to its demise.
All twenty states have some form of school zero-tolerance law (the kind of”no-nonsense” law that got 33 Philadelphia kindergartners suspended in 2002). All except four of these states practice Capital Punishment. Fifteen have had police-induced taser deaths since 2001. Twelve prohibit smoking in private establishments, and almost all of them have some form of gambling prohibition (indeed…three even consider playing online poker for money to be a felony).
In reality, these states are far from”cutting edge” when it comes to the defense of personal liberties. And their resolutions are far from making a lasting change on the face of American politics as we know it.
For Constitutionalists and libertarians the 20 states claiming sovereignty is probably a sweet wet dream come true. They see this as a return to the constitution and what our founding father’s had envisioned. Of course I must point out the obvious, which is the simple fact that our visionary forefather’s were slave owners. Let’s not deny the undeniable truth that since that era we have come a long way from a lot of what was the acceptable practices of our forefathers. The constitution is the floor plans on how we should conduct ourselves as a nation; but; using it to interpret all situations is no different than using the Bible to interpret all facets of our lives, which may work for a wing nut but does nothing for the more rational and sane. For the constitutionalists and libertarians to ride this pony shows how possibly racist they really are. That they would jeopardy people’s personal freedoms for a right wing agenda, even if it is wrapped up in the constitution, is very telling in deed.
That these resolutions were proposed doesn’t mean they represent consensus in the state legislature either. Like Dennis Kucinich’s calls for Bush’s impeachment several times in the last few years, these resolutions may only reflect the beliefs of a limited minority in state legislatures.
Many of the media outlets covering the state sovereignty movement are elated at the news. They see this maneuver as a crucial step toward guaranteeing the personal freedoms laid out in the Constitution.
But are these states really the bastion of freedom and liberty?
The short answer is no.
Fortunately this whole we will be set free moment for the wing nut tribe is no more than a happy hour. The fact that a bunch of republican wing nuts have the nerve to cram this crap down the throats of the American people while we are in the midst of an economic melt down only goes to show their insensitivity. Outside of cleaning up the mess from their failed ideology, now we must shut down their campaign to take us further into a hole with cultural wars? I for one am getting a little tire of everything being about them and their pathetic marginal party.
Do Conservatives Have Smaller Brains?
Some people’s brains are better suited to introspection than others -
A specific region of the brain appears to be larger in individuals who are good at turning their thoughts inward and reflecting upon their decisions, according to new research published in the journal Science. This act of introspection -- or "thinking about your thinking" -- is a key aspect of human consciousness, though scientists have noted plenty of variation in peoples' abilities to introspect.1
Neuroscientist Stephen Fleming and a team of UK researchers have found that people with more gray and white matter microstructures in a particular area of the prefrontal cortex tended to be more introspective, which is to say, better at evaluating their own performance.
Conservatives are generally not introspective.
They tend to have difficulty admitting when they make mistakes, they seem oblivious to their own behavior, and the consequences of it, and tend to blame others.
Case and point: The enormous debt the US is struggling with now was created when the Conservatives were in control of the Congress and the White House. Yet they cannot admit this, and instead, blame the new Congress and White House.
There is widespread agreement that the current economic crisis has been brought about by poor leadership and greed.
In a recent Globe & Mail newspaper article, Professor Henry Mintzberg, of McGill University in Montreal, suggests that much of the blame for economic failure can be tied directly to the failure of management education.
Professor Mintzberg goes on to point out that lack of introspection in corporate America prevents leaders from learning from their own mistakes.2
To this day former President George W Bush has never admitted he did anything wrong.
Was his failure as a leader due to having a smaller prefrontal cortex that blocked him from being introspective?
Quick to anger -
The ventral area of the prefrontal cortex is known to be crucial for constraining impulsive outbursts. Persons with a predisposition to anger and aggression have been found to have decreased activity in this brain area.
In August of 2004, Darin Dougherty, M.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, submitted a study, reported in the Vol. 61 No. 8, of the Archives of General Psychiatry.3
In this study, when the subjects started getting angry, blood flow increases in the left ventromedial prefrontal cortex were significantly greater in the healthy control subjects than in the subjects who were prone to anger.
Attaching emotional content to logistical situations is a behavior that is often exhibited by Conservatives.
If you watch Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, or Ann Coulter, you will see that they repeatedly attach emotional content to logistical behavior. And, the emotion they attach most often is anger.
Do these people have decreased brain activity? Is the blood just not flowing to their brains?
Impaired ability -
Since the 1980s, scientists have correlated damage to the prefrontal cortex with psychopathic behavior and the inability to make morally and socially acceptable decisions.
Researchers at the University of Sweden have found the prefrontal cortex to be precisely the area of the brain that is impaired in murderers, rapists, and other violent criminals who repeatedly re-offend. At the November 1999 annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Asa Bergvall and her colleagues presented findings on their study of violent offenders.4
The brains of the violent offenders performed normally in every task except the one, which taps prefrontal function, "In that," says Bergvall, "It was as if they were retarded."
They had an impaired ability to shift their attention in order to view the world in a different way – a function linked to the lateral prefrontal cortex.
Former president George W Bush was often called retarded, because of his impaired ability to shift his view of the world.
But he was no violent criminal.
Neurology professor Dr. Antonio Damasio and colleagues at the University of Iowa College of Medicine reported on two cases of early brain damage to the prefrontal cortex. As adults, both patients showed an almost total lack of guilt.5
University of Southern California psychopathologist Adrian Raine has documented prefrontal damage in people with Antisocial Personality Disorder, which is characterized by irresponsibility and deceitfulness, lack of emotional depth and remorse.6
His article in the Archives of General Psychiatry, February 1, 2000 stated that, "The antisocial men actually had 11-14% less brain tissue volume in their prefrontal cortexes, compared to normal males – a deficit of about two teaspoons' worth."
What if George W. Bush has 5-6% less brain tissue volume in his prefrontal cortexes?
His presidency was certainly characterized by irresponsibility, deceitfulness, and lack of remorse.
Was this because he was one teaspoon short of a full brain?
The chicken or the egg -
Conservatives are called Conservatives because they share similar beliefs. Consequently, they exhibit similar behaviors.
Are their beliefs and behaviors similar because they lack the ability for introspection?
Do people become Conservatives because they have smaller prefrontal cortexes?
1 - Brain Matter Linked to Introspective Thoughts: Structure of Prefrontal Cortex Helps Humans Think About One's Own Thinking
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
Thursday, June 17, 2010
This piece was originally published on AlterNet.
Leaving religion doesn't change people's sexual behavior very much -- but it vastly improves how they feel about it.
Do atheists have better sex?
According to science, that is -- and more specifically, according to the recently released "Sex and Secularism" study.
In January 2011, organizational psychologist Darrel Ray, Ed.D. (psychologist for 30 years and author of The God Virus as well as two books on psychology) and Amanda Brown (undergraduate at Kansas University, focused on sexuality and sex therapy) conducted a sex survey of over 14,500 people -- atheists, agnostics, and other people in the secular community. The survey was looking at religion, atheism, and sex: how religion affects sex, how leaving religion affects sex, whether lifelong atheists feel differently about sex than people who have recently deconverted, and so on. The report -- "Sex and Secularism: What Happens When You Leave Religion?" -- is on the Internet, and if you want all 46 pages of the naughty details, including the charts and graphs and personal stories, you can download it free (you just need to register on the site).
But if you just want to know the gist?
Leaving religion improves people's sex lives.
Leaving religion doesn't change people's sexual behavior very much -- but it vastly improves how they feel about it.
Do atheists have better sex?
According to science, that is -- and more specifically, according to the recently released "Sex and Secularism" study.
In January 2011, organizational psychologist Darrel Ray, Ed.D. (psychologist for 30 years and author of The God Virus as well as two books on psychology) and Amanda Brown (undergraduate at Kansas University, focused on sexuality and sex therapy) conducted a sex survey of over 14,500 people -- atheists, agnostics, and other people in the secular community. The survey was looking at religion, atheism, and sex: how religion affects sex, how leaving religion affects sex, whether lifelong atheists feel differently about sex than people who have recently deconverted, and so on. The report -- "Sex and Secularism: What Happens When You Leave Religion?" -- is on the Internet, and if you want all 46 pages of the naughty details, including the charts and graphs and personal stories, you can download it free (you just need to register on the site).
But if you just want to know the gist?
Leaving religion improves people's sex lives.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Vivien Leigh and History about her.
Vivien LEIGH [1913-1967]

Actress, real name Vivian Mary HARTLEY born 5 November 1913, Darjeeling, India. Died 7 July 1967, London. [tuberculosis]
The early life of Vivien LEIGH
Vivien LEIGH was born 'Vivian Mary HARTLEY' on the evening of Wednesday 5th November, 1913 in her parents home at Darjeeling, India.
Her father was Ernest Richard HARTLEY, born on the Isle of Islay, Argyll in Scotland on 19 February 1882, the last of seven children born to Joseph Nicholson HARTLEY and Elizabeth HOULGATE. Joseph was an Administrator in the Civil Service and had been born at Pontefract, Yorkshire on 18th June 1848 to Joseph HARTLEY Snr. and Mary POOLE who had married at Rothwell, Yorkshire on 30th May 1829. Joseph Nicholson Jnr. married Elizabeth at Pontefract on 9th June 1874 [see Annie HOULGATE m.John HARTLEY at York 1886]. Joseph Nicholson Jnr. died at Bridlington on 25th November 1929.
Further back on the family tree, Joseph Snr. appears to have been born at Rothwell on 13th June 1802 to Joseph HARTLEY and Mary THOMPSON [siblings: William [1798], Samuel [1800] and Anne [1804]]. Joseph and Mary were married at Rothwell on 2nd May 1797. Back one generation, Joseph appears to have been born at Rothwell in October 1769 to Joseph HARTLEY and Sarah WARD [sibling: Abraham [1773]. Joseph and Sarah were married at Rothwell on 25th April 1756.
As a child, Ernest loved Rudyard Kipling books about India. Inspired, he moved to Calcutta, India at the age of 22 in search of a career, fortune and adventure. He became involved with a brokerage firm, Piggot Chapman and Co., spent time racing horses, playing cricket and polo, and acted in The Calcutta Dramatic Society.
Vivian's mother, Gertrude Mary Frances YACKJEE [pictured here with a young Vivian], was born in Darjeeling India, on 5th December 1888, the daughter of Michael John YACKJEE and Mary I [Teresa?] ROBINSON [m.1872] [siblings: Mary Patricia [1874], Francis Stanislaus [1880] and Alice Mary [1882]. Friends of the Hartleys said that Gertrude, with her dark hair, sparkling blue eyes, and peach-like skin [looks Vivian would inherit], was very beautiful in her youth, more so than Vivian. The YACKJEE side of the family is said to have had Armenian ancestors, which may have genetically influenced Vivian's dark Eastern looks [Armenia is east of the Black Sea, north of Iran] but there are also claims the name is Indian or Afghan. There is a Dah Yakchee Khana in Afghanistan, also a Yak Chee in Malaysia. The surname could also be Scottish [see Joseph M [1912; New York, below]
Several other members of the YACKJEE - YAKJEE - YACKJE - YAKCHEE family lived at Calcutta, including:
Joseph P. [m.Elizabeth] and their son James [b.1883] and daughter Mary Elizabeth [b.1879];
Edwin George or Peter John [m.Rosamond] and their son Ernest Raymond [b.1882] [this person is thought to have actually been Pascal John, below]
Pascal John [b.July 1855] [m.Constance Rosamund RANDOLPH in 1872] and their son Ernest Raymond [1882] who married Bessie ARGYLL, their daughter Beatrice Maud [b.1872], and daughter Mary Randolph [b.1885] who married Clarence Halford MACKRODT.
Michael may have married twice; there was a Lilian May born to Michael and Mary Susan in 1876.
Joseph M YACKJEE [NB: there was a Joseph YACKJEE at 300 East Seventyfourth Street, New York in 1902] b.1877 at Bedford, England, was aboard the 'Majestic' on his way back to New York in August 1912. He had probably attended Vivian's parents' wedding in April [see below]. He may be the father of Emily M E YAKCHEE [YACKJEE] who married Cyril J STUBBLEFIELD at Kensington in June 1932. He is probably also the father of Walter W YACKJEE born New York on 2nd October 1902. Joseph called himself 'Scottish'.
Gertrude is also thought to be from Irish Catholic descent [through Mary I [Teresa?] ROBINSON] and her parents are thought to the Vivian's grandparents mentioned at Waterville Co.Kerry, Ireland [see September 1920 below].
Meeting originally in Calcutta, Vivian's parents travelled to London where they were married at Kensington Catholic Church on 9th April 1912. They then returned to India and settled in Darjeeling, a city within site of Mount Everest.
A year after their marriage, Vivian Mary HARTLEY was born, 5th November 1913, 'a most enchanting little girl with wonderful colouring' [Vivian was one of Ernest's family names]. Enjoying elements of fantasy and drama as a child, she was encouraged to read early on and became fond of authors such as Rudyard Kipling, Hans Christian Anderson, and Lewis Carroll, as well as ancient Greek mythology, which she learnt by heart. She and her family lived at Alipore, Calcutta. After Ernest joined the Indian Cavalry, the family moved to Mussoorie, Darjeeling, later Ootacamund, Bangalore. Vivian debuted on stage at the age of three as the shepherdess in 'Little Bo Peep'.
Vivian moved to England with her family at the age of 6 in 1920, only ever to return to India once, briefly in 1964. Her parents had been having marital troubles for some time in India.
In September 1920, Vivian visited her grandparents at Waterville, Co.Kerry Ireland. Later on 21st September she was placed in the Convent of the Sacred Heart at Roehampton, and did not see her mother again for almost a year and a half, her father much longer than that. She was educated at the Convent for the subsequent 8 years, and 'from early on she showed poised, self -containment, and the ability to sustain a private existence.' She was able to keep a pet kitten with her at the Convent, adopted from her Irish grandmother. There she met Maureen O'Sullivan, later to become a famous Hollywood actress.
Her first stage appearances at school were in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream [playing the fairy Mustardseed], and in The Tempest [as Miranda]. Her favourite actor was far from being a serious actor; he was the comedy actor, George Robey. She studied ballet, played the cello in the school orchestra, and excelled at piano - taking her music exam at the Royal Academy of Music when she was a teenager. Vivian was also fascinated early on in different languages, Egyptian history, and learned to speak French fluently.
Vivian was so tiny and delicately made, with wonderful large blue eyes and chestnut wavy hair nearly to her waist, the tiny retrousse nose, the only complexion ever seen that really was like a peach.
In 1926, her parents visited from India and shared a holiday with her in Ireland. She enjoyed the trout fishing and walking. Her father was later to move back to Europe after the Wall Street Crash, in 1929
Vivian stayed briefly at a sister convent of the Sacred Heart in San Remo, the capital of the Italian Riviera, during 1928-29. At the age of 15, she went to Paris to spend a term at a finishing school in Auteuil. She was the youngest student in the school, however she was already moving from the awkward youth phase into a charming, dark haired beauty that would later bring much fame. The purpose of the finishing school in France was 'to teach French - language and literature - and to send the girls out into the world with a good marriage set firmly in their sights. At Christmas of that year, 1929, Vivian was chosen to be the heroine of the school play. Encouraged by her schoolmistress, she was inspired to work on her diction and acting abilities. This early help pushed her further towards an interest in a career on stage. Her final two years of education were at yet another finishing school, this time in the Bavarian Alps, which concluded her schooling in June of 1931 - halfway towards her 17th birthday. During this time, she developed an interest in the visual arts and continued to study languages - notably French and German.
In January of 1932 Vivian met the very handsome Herbert Leigh HOLMAN whilst staying at her aunt's in Teignmouth, England. He was a man 13 years her senior, but possessed an English charm and intelligence that Vivian found captivating. He resembled Leslie Howard, one of Vivian's favourite actors. Born in 1900, Leigh was educated at Harrow and Jesus College, Cambridge and, like his father, practiced as a Barrister-at-Law. An attachment quickly developed between the two and they spent several months courting and corresponding. In May of 1932, Vivian began to study at RADA, The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. Life was looking up - she was about to marry a man she greatly admired, and she was studying acting in a well know academy. Much to her dismay, Vivian abandoned the academy, at Leigh's request, once they became serious about marriage.
The wedding between Leigh and Vivian took place on December 20th 1932, at St. James Catholic Cathedral. Shortly after they returned from their honeymoon in Austria, Vivian obtained Leigh's permission to return to RADA and she continued to study acting. A year passed and Vivian gave birth to a daughter on October 10th 1933, naming her Suzanne. At this point, things seemed to have settled into domestic life for Vivian. Her destiny would not remain domestic for long however, she had just heard of the chance for a small part in a new film entitled Things are Looking Up… [Copyright]

Biography writer Dale O'Connor If a film were made of the life of Vivien Leigh, it would open in India just before World War I, where a successful British businessman could live like a prince. In the mountains above Calcutta, a little princess is born. Because of the outbreak of World War I, she is 6 years old the first time her parents take her to England. Her mother thinks she should have a proper English upbringing and insists on leaving her in a convent school- even though Vivien is two years younger than any of the other girls at the school. The only comfort for the lonely child is a cat that was in the courtyard of the school that the nuns let her take up to her dormitory. Her first and best friend at the school is an 8-year-old girl, 'Maureen O'Sullivan' who has been transplanted from Ireland. In the bleakness of a convent school, the two girls can recreate in their imaginations the places they have left and places where they would some day like to travel. After Vivien has been at the school for 18 months, her mother comes again from India and takes her to a play in London. In the next six months, Vivien will insist in seeing the same play 16 times. In India, the British community entertained themselves at amateur theatricals and Vivien's father was a leading man. Pupils at the English convent school are eager to perform in school plays. It's an all girls school so some of the girls have to play the male roles. The male roles are so much more adventurous. Vivien's favorite actor is Leslie Howard and when she is 19 she marries an English barrister who looks very much like him. The year is 1932. Vivien's best friend from that convent school has gone to California where she is making movies. Vivien has an opportunity to play a small role in an English film, "Things Are Looking Up" (1935). She has only one line but the camera keeps returning to her face. The London stage is more exciting than the movies being filmed in England and the most thrilling actor on that stage is Laurence Olivier. At a party, Vivien finds out about a stage role, "The Green Sash", where the only requirement is that the leading lady be beautiful. The play has a very brief run, but now she is a real actress. An English film is going to be made about Elizabeth I. Laurence gets the role of a young favorite of the queen who is sent to Spain. Vivien gets a much smaller role as a lady-in-waiting of the queen who is in love with Laurence's character. In real life, both fall in love while making the film, "Fire Over England", that is shown in British and American movie theaters in 1937. In 1938, Hollywood wants Laurence to play Heathcliff in "Wuthering Heights". Vivien, who has just recently read "Gone With The Wind", thinks that the role of Scarlett O'Hara is the first role for an actress that would be really exciting to bring to the screen. She sails to America for a brief vacation. In New York, she gets on a plane for the first time to rush to California to see Laurence. They have dinner with Myron Selznick the night that his brother David Selznick is burning Atlanta on a backlot of MGM. Actually they are burning old sets that go back to the early days of silent films to make room to recreate an Atlanta of the 1860s. Vivien is 26 when "Gone With The Wind" makes a sweep of the Oscars in 1939. So let's show 26-year-old Vivien walking up to the stage to accept her Oscar and then as the Oscar is presented the camera focuses on Vivien's face and through the 1990s magic of altering images the 26-year-old face merges into the face of Vivien at age 38 getting her second Best Actress Oscar for portraying Blanche DuBois in "A Streetcar Named Desire". She wouldn't have returned to America to make that film had not Laurence been going over there to do a film based on Theodore Dreiser's novel "Sister Carrie". The film was called "Carrie". Laurence tells their friends that his motive for going to Hollywood to make films is to get enough money to produce his own plays for the London stage. He even has his own theater there, the St. James. Now Sir Laurence, with a seat in the British House of Lords, is accompanied by Vivien the day the lords are debating about whether the St James should be torn down. Breaking protocol, Vivien speaks up and is escorted from the House of Lords. The publicity helps raise the funds to save the St. James. Throughout their two-decade marriage Laurence and Vivien were acting together on the stage in London and New York. Vivien was no longer Lady Olivier when she performed her last major film role, "The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone" (1962)
Spouse Laurence Olivier (1940 - 1960) (divorced) 'Hubert Leigh Holman' (1932 - 1940) (divorced) (barrister) Trivia (October 1997) Ranked #48 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. Suffered from manic depression Had one daughter with Leigh Holman. Lived with John Merivale from 1959 to her death in 1967. Biography (print) Vivien Leigh: A Biography, Anne Edwards, R00338 02407 Vivien Leigh: A Biography, Hugo Vickers, R00699 92117 Personal quotes "It's much easier to make people cry than to make them laugh." Talking to critics about her reviews for "The Mask of Virtue" (1935), her second play on the London stage: "Some critics saw fit to say that I was a great actress. I thought that was a foolish, wicket thing to say because it put such an onus and such a responsibility onto me, which I simply wasn't able to carry." "People who are very beautiful make their own laws." Portrayed in Gable and Lombard (1976) Salary Gone with the Wind (1939) $25,000 (USA) Article "Empire" (UK), October 1997, Iss. 100, pg. 196, by: Ian Freer and Jake Hamilton, "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time "Copyright © 1990-1998 The Internet Movie Database Ltd The Internet Movie Database
Actress, real name Vivian Mary HARTLEY born 5 November 1913, Darjeeling, India. Died 7 July 1967, London. [tuberculosis]
The early life of Vivien LEIGH
Vivien LEIGH was born 'Vivian Mary HARTLEY' on the evening of Wednesday 5th November, 1913 in her parents home at Darjeeling, India.
Her father was Ernest Richard HARTLEY, born on the Isle of Islay, Argyll in Scotland on 19 February 1882, the last of seven children born to Joseph Nicholson HARTLEY and Elizabeth HOULGATE. Joseph was an Administrator in the Civil Service and had been born at Pontefract, Yorkshire on 18th June 1848 to Joseph HARTLEY Snr. and Mary POOLE who had married at Rothwell, Yorkshire on 30th May 1829. Joseph Nicholson Jnr. married Elizabeth at Pontefract on 9th June 1874 [see Annie HOULGATE m.John HARTLEY at York 1886]. Joseph Nicholson Jnr. died at Bridlington on 25th November 1929.
Further back on the family tree, Joseph Snr. appears to have been born at Rothwell on 13th June 1802 to Joseph HARTLEY and Mary THOMPSON [siblings: William [1798], Samuel [1800] and Anne [1804]]. Joseph and Mary were married at Rothwell on 2nd May 1797. Back one generation, Joseph appears to have been born at Rothwell in October 1769 to Joseph HARTLEY and Sarah WARD [sibling: Abraham [1773]. Joseph and Sarah were married at Rothwell on 25th April 1756.
As a child, Ernest loved Rudyard Kipling books about India. Inspired, he moved to Calcutta, India at the age of 22 in search of a career, fortune and adventure. He became involved with a brokerage firm, Piggot Chapman and Co., spent time racing horses, playing cricket and polo, and acted in The Calcutta Dramatic Society.
Several other members of the YACKJEE - YAKJEE - YACKJE - YAKCHEE family lived at Calcutta, including:
Joseph P. [m.Elizabeth] and their son James [b.1883] and daughter Mary Elizabeth [b.1879];
Edwin George or Peter John [m.Rosamond] and their son Ernest Raymond [b.1882] [this person is thought to have actually been Pascal John, below]
Pascal John [b.July 1855] [m.Constance Rosamund RANDOLPH in 1872] and their son Ernest Raymond [1882] who married Bessie ARGYLL, their daughter Beatrice Maud [b.1872], and daughter Mary Randolph [b.1885] who married Clarence Halford MACKRODT.
Michael may have married twice; there was a Lilian May born to Michael and Mary Susan in 1876.
Joseph M YACKJEE [NB: there was a Joseph YACKJEE at 300 East Seventyfourth Street, New York in 1902] b.1877 at Bedford, England, was aboard the 'Majestic' on his way back to New York in August 1912. He had probably attended Vivian's parents' wedding in April [see below]. He may be the father of Emily M E YAKCHEE [YACKJEE] who married Cyril J STUBBLEFIELD at Kensington in June 1932. He is probably also the father of Walter W YACKJEE born New York on 2nd October 1902. Joseph called himself 'Scottish'.
Gertrude is also thought to be from Irish Catholic descent [through Mary I [Teresa?] ROBINSON] and her parents are thought to the Vivian's grandparents mentioned at Waterville Co.Kerry, Ireland [see September 1920 below].
Meeting originally in Calcutta, Vivian's parents travelled to London where they were married at Kensington Catholic Church on 9th April 1912. They then returned to India and settled in Darjeeling, a city within site of Mount Everest.
A year after their marriage, Vivian Mary HARTLEY was born, 5th November 1913, 'a most enchanting little girl with wonderful colouring' [Vivian was one of Ernest's family names]. Enjoying elements of fantasy and drama as a child, she was encouraged to read early on and became fond of authors such as Rudyard Kipling, Hans Christian Anderson, and Lewis Carroll, as well as ancient Greek mythology, which she learnt by heart. She and her family lived at Alipore, Calcutta. After Ernest joined the Indian Cavalry, the family moved to Mussoorie, Darjeeling, later Ootacamund, Bangalore. Vivian debuted on stage at the age of three as the shepherdess in 'Little Bo Peep'.
In September 1920, Vivian visited her grandparents at Waterville, Co.Kerry Ireland. Later on 21st September she was placed in the Convent of the Sacred Heart at Roehampton, and did not see her mother again for almost a year and a half, her father much longer than that. She was educated at the Convent for the subsequent 8 years, and 'from early on she showed poised, self -containment, and the ability to sustain a private existence.' She was able to keep a pet kitten with her at the Convent, adopted from her Irish grandmother. There she met Maureen O'Sullivan, later to become a famous Hollywood actress.
Her first stage appearances at school were in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream [playing the fairy Mustardseed], and in The Tempest [as Miranda]. Her favourite actor was far from being a serious actor; he was the comedy actor, George Robey. She studied ballet, played the cello in the school orchestra, and excelled at piano - taking her music exam at the Royal Academy of Music when she was a teenager. Vivian was also fascinated early on in different languages, Egyptian history, and learned to speak French fluently.
Vivian was so tiny and delicately made, with wonderful large blue eyes and chestnut wavy hair nearly to her waist, the tiny retrousse nose, the only complexion ever seen that really was like a peach.
In 1926, her parents visited from India and shared a holiday with her in Ireland. She enjoyed the trout fishing and walking. Her father was later to move back to Europe after the Wall Street Crash, in 1929
Vivian stayed briefly at a sister convent of the Sacred Heart in San Remo, the capital of the Italian Riviera, during 1928-29. At the age of 15, she went to Paris to spend a term at a finishing school in Auteuil. She was the youngest student in the school, however she was already moving from the awkward youth phase into a charming, dark haired beauty that would later bring much fame. The purpose of the finishing school in France was 'to teach French - language and literature - and to send the girls out into the world with a good marriage set firmly in their sights. At Christmas of that year, 1929, Vivian was chosen to be the heroine of the school play. Encouraged by her schoolmistress, she was inspired to work on her diction and acting abilities. This early help pushed her further towards an interest in a career on stage. Her final two years of education were at yet another finishing school, this time in the Bavarian Alps, which concluded her schooling in June of 1931 - halfway towards her 17th birthday. During this time, she developed an interest in the visual arts and continued to study languages - notably French and German.
In January of 1932 Vivian met the very handsome Herbert Leigh HOLMAN whilst staying at her aunt's in Teignmouth, England. He was a man 13 years her senior, but possessed an English charm and intelligence that Vivian found captivating. He resembled Leslie Howard, one of Vivian's favourite actors. Born in 1900, Leigh was educated at Harrow and Jesus College, Cambridge and, like his father, practiced as a Barrister-at-Law. An attachment quickly developed between the two and they spent several months courting and corresponding. In May of 1932, Vivian began to study at RADA, The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. Life was looking up - she was about to marry a man she greatly admired, and she was studying acting in a well know academy. Much to her dismay, Vivian abandoned the academy, at Leigh's request, once they became serious about marriage.
The wedding between Leigh and Vivian took place on December 20th 1932, at St. James Catholic Cathedral. Shortly after they returned from their honeymoon in Austria, Vivian obtained Leigh's permission to return to RADA and she continued to study acting. A year passed and Vivian gave birth to a daughter on October 10th 1933, naming her Suzanne. At this point, things seemed to have settled into domestic life for Vivian. Her destiny would not remain domestic for long however, she had just heard of the chance for a small part in a new film entitled Things are Looking Up… [Copyright]
Biography writer Dale O'Connor If a film were made of the life of Vivien Leigh, it would open in India just before World War I, where a successful British businessman could live like a prince. In the mountains above Calcutta, a little princess is born. Because of the outbreak of World War I, she is 6 years old the first time her parents take her to England. Her mother thinks she should have a proper English upbringing and insists on leaving her in a convent school- even though Vivien is two years younger than any of the other girls at the school. The only comfort for the lonely child is a cat that was in the courtyard of the school that the nuns let her take up to her dormitory. Her first and best friend at the school is an 8-year-old girl, 'Maureen O'Sullivan' who has been transplanted from Ireland. In the bleakness of a convent school, the two girls can recreate in their imaginations the places they have left and places where they would some day like to travel. After Vivien has been at the school for 18 months, her mother comes again from India and takes her to a play in London. In the next six months, Vivien will insist in seeing the same play 16 times. In India, the British community entertained themselves at amateur theatricals and Vivien's father was a leading man. Pupils at the English convent school are eager to perform in school plays. It's an all girls school so some of the girls have to play the male roles. The male roles are so much more adventurous. Vivien's favorite actor is Leslie Howard and when she is 19 she marries an English barrister who looks very much like him. The year is 1932. Vivien's best friend from that convent school has gone to California where she is making movies. Vivien has an opportunity to play a small role in an English film, "Things Are Looking Up" (1935). She has only one line but the camera keeps returning to her face. The London stage is more exciting than the movies being filmed in England and the most thrilling actor on that stage is Laurence Olivier. At a party, Vivien finds out about a stage role, "The Green Sash", where the only requirement is that the leading lady be beautiful. The play has a very brief run, but now she is a real actress. An English film is going to be made about Elizabeth I. Laurence gets the role of a young favorite of the queen who is sent to Spain. Vivien gets a much smaller role as a lady-in-waiting of the queen who is in love with Laurence's character. In real life, both fall in love while making the film, "Fire Over England", that is shown in British and American movie theaters in 1937. In 1938, Hollywood wants Laurence to play Heathcliff in "Wuthering Heights". Vivien, who has just recently read "Gone With The Wind", thinks that the role of Scarlett O'Hara is the first role for an actress that would be really exciting to bring to the screen. She sails to America for a brief vacation. In New York, she gets on a plane for the first time to rush to California to see Laurence. They have dinner with Myron Selznick the night that his brother David Selznick is burning Atlanta on a backlot of MGM. Actually they are burning old sets that go back to the early days of silent films to make room to recreate an Atlanta of the 1860s. Vivien is 26 when "Gone With The Wind" makes a sweep of the Oscars in 1939. So let's show 26-year-old Vivien walking up to the stage to accept her Oscar and then as the Oscar is presented the camera focuses on Vivien's face and through the 1990s magic of altering images the 26-year-old face merges into the face of Vivien at age 38 getting her second Best Actress Oscar for portraying Blanche DuBois in "A Streetcar Named Desire". She wouldn't have returned to America to make that film had not Laurence been going over there to do a film based on Theodore Dreiser's novel "Sister Carrie". The film was called "Carrie". Laurence tells their friends that his motive for going to Hollywood to make films is to get enough money to produce his own plays for the London stage. He even has his own theater there, the St. James. Now Sir Laurence, with a seat in the British House of Lords, is accompanied by Vivien the day the lords are debating about whether the St James should be torn down. Breaking protocol, Vivien speaks up and is escorted from the House of Lords. The publicity helps raise the funds to save the St. James. Throughout their two-decade marriage Laurence and Vivien were acting together on the stage in London and New York. Vivien was no longer Lady Olivier when she performed her last major film role, "The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone" (1962)
Spouse Laurence Olivier (1940 - 1960) (divorced) 'Hubert Leigh Holman' (1932 - 1940) (divorced) (barrister) Trivia (October 1997) Ranked #48 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. Suffered from manic depression Had one daughter with Leigh Holman. Lived with John Merivale from 1959 to her death in 1967. Biography (print) Vivien Leigh: A Biography, Anne Edwards, R00338 02407 Vivien Leigh: A Biography, Hugo Vickers, R00699 92117 Personal quotes "It's much easier to make people cry than to make them laugh." Talking to critics about her reviews for "The Mask of Virtue" (1935), her second play on the London stage: "Some critics saw fit to say that I was a great actress. I thought that was a foolish, wicket thing to say because it put such an onus and such a responsibility onto me, which I simply wasn't able to carry." "People who are very beautiful make their own laws." Portrayed in Gable and Lombard (1976) Salary Gone with the Wind (1939) $25,000 (USA) Article "Empire" (UK), October 1997, Iss. 100, pg. 196, by: Ian Freer and Jake Hamilton, "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time "Copyright © 1990-1998 The Internet Movie Database Ltd The Internet Movie Database
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