Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Republicans Forever Classy

You would think with the state of affairs that the republicans party is in, with no clear leadership — exception to Limbaugh, Teabaggers, and Becky-po — and no clear message or ideas, the republicans would at least take time to try to re-establish themselves. Not so. Once again they are participating in what they do best, cater to big business.

Corporate America is gambling on the minority in its political giving this year, assuming that Republicans will win big in the November midterm elections, an analysis of campaign finance reports shows…. The change comes as top Republicans lawmakers appeal more directly to business leaders, putting them on notice that the GOP is keeping track of the corporate donations ledger and will remember who stood by the party.

As part of an effort dubbed “Sell the Fight,” House Republican leaders have met privately with corporate executives and lobbyists to argue that their giving has tilted too far toward Democrats and that they need to steer more money to industry-friendly GOP candidates in key races in 2010.

“These corporate leaders and lobbyists have got interests and clients they need to look out for, and they are reading the tea leaves just like everyone else,” said Rep. Greg Walden (Ore.), the deputy chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee, who has made several private pitches to corporate PAC leaders. (h/t Steve Benen)

Of course this is all being done with the audacious hope that the republicans win big in November. Yet, I get the feeling the republicans are not going to do as well as they are aspiring too, not with crazies like Rand Paul. The reason why the republicans are keeping tabs of which business help them financially, is so, you know, they can kill bills in the Senate that are bad for big business but protective of us.

Once again proving that republicans are not for the people, by the people or much less people.

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