Friday, August 19, 2011

Conservatives Republican’ Hate-Based Campaign Against Liberals (Obama in particular)

The Republican elephant and  supporters may have a short memory but not the rest of us.....A Dom recently kept me awake online late into the night trying to convince me why the Republicans are fair minded people.....and good for everyone in America.....I think NOT.

The right-wing smear campaign against Liberals in genral and Barack Obama in particular. Conservatives intend, as they have so many times before, to appeal to Americans’ ugliest prejudices

There is no greater and unjust privilege in the world than claiming power and authority merely because one is born a certain skin color.  For whites who have seen their incomes decline and jobs lost because of global corporations shifting jobs to below-poverty wage nations, the Siren song of right wing hate radio -- financed by the very corporations fleecing the economically stretched white person of limited education and means -- is alluring. 

President Obama keeps conceding ground to the very same corporations, as he has in the so-called "healthcare reform" bill.  If his character has learned how to be a "non-threatening" black, it doesn't matter. Big money is going to use racist pawns to come after him anyway.

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